Juvenile Red-Shouldered Hawk (I think...)

I'm not a very knowledgeable birder, but this fella showed off and I had to grab a few shots:


  1. That is a beautiful hawk, Sue. Maybe it is called a Cooper's Hawk? I'm learning the differences myself. Have a wonderful week! Hugs, Pat

  2. He WAS showing off and well done for having the camera handy to snap those shots of him! Awesome!
    Thanks for hosting.

  3. Wow I can see why he was showing off, for his female furfriend, I think they are a small hawk??

    Thanks for hosting stop by when you can!!
    Have a great week!
    Oh My Heartsie Girl:)

  4. Magnificent photos of this hawk! We were watching a group of turkey vultures roosting in the trees across from our vacation rental, but I didn't get any good photos.

  5. Beautiful bird! You captured such awesome expressions.

  6. Brilliant shots :-)

    Have a hawktastic week :-)

  7. Hi Y'all!

    Love the hawk! Fantastic shots. Thanks for sharing!

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  8. Super cool photos. I love the one in flight.

  9. He is so beautiful! I'm so glad you were able to capture him and share with us. I wouldn't know anyway if you had mis-named him.

  10. Birds of prey have always fascinated me since I was a young girl and read a book about a boy and his pet falcon. Gorgeous photos!

  11. great pictures. I like wild birds so much. He spreads his wings just if he wants to look good on the image :)

  12. Gorgeous bid. How lucky you are to have been able to photo hese.

    R. Täysin arkista

  13. Looking at your excellent photos and it's markings, could it be a Cooper's Hawk?...:)JP

  14. Really great shots!
    Thanks for hosting

  15. What a beautiful bird, great shots!

  16. Beautiful hawk! So nice that he was willing to show off his wings for the camera! ;)

  17. Great captures of the hawk! It has a fine feathering ~ the dots and colors ~ to camouflage among the pine trees ... Great work you spotted it the first place!

  18. The hawk is very handsome. Enjoy your week!

  19. I think that is a red-tail hawk. Beautiful shots! Thanks for hosting. Have a great week!

  20. How nice of the bird to come and pose! :) Have a great week Sue!

  21. Wonderful pictures of this dangerous predator !!

  22. I am a little late to link in. Sorry about that, I have some difficulty with my email. Hope it will be better soon. Lovely bird. Never seen in my garden! Groetjes Hetty

  23. I love your hawk shots. We have a family of brown tail hawks that nests on a tree over our pool. Blessings!

  24. Oh, he did show off! Fun to see!

  25. Beautiful shots Sue! What a gorgeous bird. I love those ones where the wings are spread open ready for flight. - Tasha

  26. Oh, so beautiful!
    Thanks for hosting and have a good week!
    Happy ww, Joana

  27. He's performing for you! He is stunning! Thanks for sharing.

  28. Wow, great shots! Beautiful bird.

  29. Wow, what a beautiful bird! Is it a peregrine falcon? We had one that used to roost on the side of our office building (in NYC), and it looked very similar to the one in your awesome photos. :)

  30. Sue, that's an amazing opportunity to capture a hawk so close up! One appeared in our backyard last spring or summer and I could only snap a few shots from my kitchen window. I knew, if I attempted to outside to get a better shot that he'd be gone. It's funny you just don't see too many of these fine birds, but the other day while we were running errands I spied one on a power line beside the road and I thought that was the oddest thing ever. Like I said, you just don't see them too often. Oh well, thanks for hosting the #WW linky fun!

  31. Great pics anyways. You need to check out Red Shouldered Hawks of Tingsgrove blog. http://tingsgrove.blogspot.com.au/ Have a great week.

  32. These are beautiful Sue, you must have beeen so close to him. Lovely!

  33. I love seeing shots of birds with their wings spread out! Good work, and thanks for sharing! :D

  34. What amazing shots! Such a gorgeous bird.
    Have a great week.

  35. Based on the photos in the Smithsonian bird guide and available on the 'net, I would say this is a juvenile red-shouldered hawk.


  36. This is a lovely collection of the hawk. Thank you for hosting and for your lovely comments. Have a good day!

  37. What a great opportunity to capture him digitally! Loved the shots!


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