On retreat in Washington DC

The chapel in the retreat center

Washington Retreat House

Retreatants gather toward the end of the weekend

The North Carolina contingnt of the Daughters of St. Francis de Sales

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  1. I'm sure it was a very uplifting and rewarding retreat. Our last retreat was at Christ in the Desert, a Benedictine Monastery in Abiqui, New Mexico. The majestic scenery of nearby Ghost Ranch so inspired the paintings of Georgia O'Keeffe. It was a silent retreat except for when we joined the monks at Mass and in chanting at regular hours around the clock. I found it so difficult not to talk when a Beaver slapped its tail in the nearby creek and a Lazuli Bunting sang just overhead in a majestic old Cottonwood.

    1. Kenneth, this sounds heavenly! I must admit I would find it difficult to maintain silence.

  2. Retreats are wonderful and that photo of the tree filled with white blossoms is amazing.

  3. I am glad you enjoyed the retreat! Thank you for hosting a great party.

  4. That's a vert elaborate building. Always fun to get away

  5. Looks like you had a lovely time!

  6. Looks like a very refreshing and enjoyable retreat. Its been quite some time since my last retreat. Very nice view of the retreat building.

  7. Looks a great place to retreat. Coming home could be difficult.

  8. Such a beautiful building and the interior of the chapel is very pretty.

  9. thank you for sharing your link up with #OMGHWW. I love finding linkies to join.

  10. Hi! It's nice they are smiling. The cherry blossom's photo is very cool. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Looks like a wonderful retreat. Such lovely ladies!!

    Happy Tuesday, Sue!

  12. I love D.C.! I hope you had a great retreat! Thanks for always hosting a great blog hop.

  13. What a lovely retreat house. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  14. That certainly looks like a wonderful place for a retreat. I hope it was a good and blessed time!

  15. This would have been one fun retreat. Nice blooms too.
    Thank you for hosting. Do join our linky party too for #WW this week.


  16. Thank you for hosting.
    Greetings from Poland.

  17. Your retreat, let alone the participants, looks as rewarding, renewing and peaceful as possible...:)JP


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