On the prairie

Checking things out.
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Crystal @ Christmas

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It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Santa was dwarfed by this immense tree!
This little guy wanted nothing to do with Santa!

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The bridge to nowhere?

From almost any angle, it looks like this is the bridge to nowhere... other than a dip in the Gulf!

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Fall color

Simply beautiful.

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Remembering summer

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Wordless (almost) wonderful weirdness

My husband and I have decorated a small area of our yard with some kitschy yard ornaments. Friends of ours have ragged us about the flamingos, which have become a running joke between us. For the past 2 years, they'll occasionally sneak over when we're not home and decorate them. Here's the most recent example:

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Ramshackle beauty

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Oh dear! Deer!

Have you guys noticed that the deer population is going crazy? As my husband and I have, between us, been involved in 4 accidents involving deer, we're very aware of them. In three of those accidents, the dang deer either jumped into the path of the car at the last minute or jumped INTO the car after we'd gone past them and were nearly out of range. In the fourth instance, the deer stood broadside just over the crest of a hill; there was no way to avoid the collision.

So we've concluded that deer aren't especially smart and that the best way to minimize the risk of a deer-versus-car wreck is to be hyper-alert.

And pray.

A lot.

Want proof that the deer population is rising? I went for an (approximately) 5 mile ride on Saturday, and here's a photo of just a few of the deer I saw:

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Change of focus

I may be beginning to "get" the concept of depth of field.

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Hot-rodder heaven

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