The foods of Israel

A typical buffet featuring lots of fresh fish, vegetables, fruits, and delicious creamy hummus.

Cooking schawarma - a delicious treat I had not tried before. To quote Wikipedia, meat is "placed on a spit, and may be grilled for as long as a day. Shavings are cut off the block of meat for serving, and the remainder of the block of meat is kept heated on the rotating spit". 

Schawarma - I wish we had this here!

Fresh produce stands are a common sight.

This vendor is ready to use a press to squeeze fresh fruit juice - a real treat on a warm day!

Would you care for some fresh pomegranate juice?


  1. Ah, no you are talking! This is something I can relate to :) Israeli breakfasts are the best! They can last you all day! I see you enjoyed some freshly squeezed "rimon" (pomegranate) juice too. Delicious!

  2. Shouldn't be hard to make that schawarma stuff.


  3. This all looks yammie! The fruit, mmmmm. Groetjes Hetty

  4. A beautiful fruitmarket. Schawarna Looks like a typical turcish food, it's called Kebab...
    ...thank you for hosting. I wish you a very good time.

  5. Mmmmmm..that food looked good! Being a former New Yorker I am familiar with Schawarma and middle eastern cusine--it is very popularand so delicious!

  6. It looks very tasty !!

  7. I would like to shop a basket full of fruits and vegatables at this market.

    By the way: I have a new blog only for the color green and I'm hosting a new meme "Weekend Green"

    Have a blessed new week

  8. I love middle eastern food. This looks really delicious. I should not have come here hungry. Now I think I will have to start soaking some beans for a hummus.

  9. A treat for the eyes as well as the palate!

  10. One of the best things about travel is food - I love fruit markets overseas....

  11. Oh no, just when I was getting the food images from Burnt out of my head you show me that schawarma pita which is an excellent food shot, btw. That is all I want to eat now. You usually see lamb on the spit, do you know what kind of meat it was?

  12. What lovely pictures! So delicious delights and tasty fruits! And super juice of red pomegranates, for sure! Many thanks for sharing them with us! Have a great week ahead!

  13. That food looks absolutely delicious :-)

    Have a scrumptioustastic week :-)

  14. I love food. It is one of my most favourite pastimes. Yum. Yum.

  15. My Ogre had to explain what schawarma is because I've never had it - but thanks to you, now I want to try!

  16. And yes, I would care for some fresh pomegranate juice. I can't think of a more thankful task, would love to watch him make it.

  17. Very beautiful food. We have a lot of Schawarma places in the Bay Area. We are lucky that way.

    Thanks for sharing the great pics and thanks for hosting.

  18. You made my mouth water. Isn't it great the way the hummus is so different each and every place? And always, always delicious. Miss that food.

  19. I like the first photo. The vegetables.

  20. Oh, the food! I'm hungry now. Thanks for the party and happy Valentine's Day!

  21. Thank would be a great experience to try food in a different culture, Happy Valentines!!

  22. The food is interesting. I would love to try pomegranate juice. Imported pomegranate is not cheap in my country.

  23. this all looks very delicious. I am contributing with food Brussels' way :-)

  24. Oh, the schawarma looks just like gyro meat. I think it's pretty much the same as gyro or kabob. We find it in Greek carry-outs.

  25. Mouthwatering palette.The world surely is one!!!

  26. Awesome food shots! The shwarma and falafel in Israel are SO delicious! :)

    Thank you for hosting!

  27. That food looks absolutely delicious, *yammie
    Thanks for hosting and greetings from Germany

  28. Sue, Mmm, looks really tasty! How interesting to experience the cuisine of your destination! That must've been fun to do. Now, you made me hungry! Thanks for hosting and sharing your vacation photos with us. I hope everyone stops by to join my not-so WW linky party & vote in this round of BoTB! Have a good day, dearie!

  29. Look at all that beautiful fresh produce!

  30. The schawarma looks delicious. We have it here but it is has been renamed with a generic name 'kebab'. If you find a good place they are absolutely delicious


  31. Shawarma is one of my faves. I live in the incredibly multicultural Toronto, so I get to eat it a lot :)

  32. You've simply made my mouth-water and my tummy grumble! Great post!

  33. Oh the shawarma looked so good, I bet it tasted amazing! Great food shots here Sue. - Tasha

  34. YUM! I love Israeli food!!!!!! The one thing we just really can't get around here (even in Houston where we get EVERY type of food and there's shawarma in every neighborhood) are those big, fresh blocks of halvah.

  35. I've just eating dinner, but your scrumptious photographs make me want to eat more. It's been years since I've eaten a shawarma... Mmmmm!

  36. Everything in here looks delicious. I have heard the food in Israel is as good as it can get.

  37. I've not heard of that food described by that name before but in multi cultural Australia, they are called Kebabs and are in every fast food place in towns and cities. Great catch up pics again from you! Hope you are feeling better. Denyse

  38. I'm in for a fresh pomegrante juice! Thanks for linking up with The Ultimate Rabbit Hole xox

  39. I'd love to try the creamy hummus - I've heard it is superb in Israel. I'm hoping to buy one of those juicers soon. I've seen them used often in Turkey and recently saw them for sale near our home in Queensland, Australia.


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