The Jesus Boat

In 1986, two brothers who were fishermen and amateur archaeologists discovered a 2000-year-old boat in the Sea of Galilee. It was found when a drought caused the waters of the lake to recede. It is not believed that this boat was used by Jesus and his disciples, but it has come to be called the Jesus Boat as it was built and used during his lifetime and provides us with an idea of how boats of his day would look. The brothers reported their find to authorities, who were faced with the task of removing the fragile remains of the boat before the water again covered the boat as the drought conditions reversed. They worked day and night for nearly two weeks before they succeeded in safely removing the boat. Today it is displayed in the Yigal Alon Museum in Kibbutz Ginosar. The museum overlooks the sea where the brothers first found it.


  1. I saw this when it was first pulled out of the water. Great to see that a big feature has been made of it. Amazing, isn't it?

  2. I love all your photos of your trip. Since I have never been I really enjoy seeing these places through your eyes. Thank you!

  3. What a wonderful story of the Jesus Boat. It's fantastic!

  4. A fascinating story today. I do love history and archaeology. Thanks for the post.

  5. What an interesting story about the boat. It's hard to believe that there's even that much left of it after 2,000 years! Thanks so much for hosting and letting me join in. HOPE you have a wonderful day!

  6. What an amazing thing to find and fairly well preserved for being 2,000 years old.

  7. The building and display is so interesting. Thanks for showing it.

  8. An interesting discovery and a nice archaeological artefact. There could have been hundreds of these boats plying the waters for fishing and trade.

  9. Seems a little small to be the boat that Jesus and his diciples used, but it is cool to see what boats would look like back then.

  10. How incredible! Thanks for sharing this and for hosting.

  11. Wow, that is a super archaeological artifact. It is amazing to see.

  12. I am glad you posted about this boat to share with us. It is really amazing to see how the boat looked like those years long ago in Jesus' time. I am glad it is now preserved and kept in the museum.

  13. My goodness - that is amazing that they discovered and were able to resurrect this ancient boat. A window into the past. Have a fabulous week and thanks again for the link up.

  14. It's amazing story. Boat and the Museum are nicely captured. Thank you for sharing.

  15. Thank you for always sharing the amazing photos.
    Have a great week!

  16. I have never heard of the Jesus boat. Fascinating photos and post!

  17. I'm sorry that we missed that museum last year.

  18. I imagine the surprise of the brothers when they discovered this relic. Glad authorities took care of it.

  19. What an incredible artifact! Thanks for hosting, as always. :)

  20. That is incredible! It's so amazing how the boat was preserved or what was left of it after that so many years!!

  21. A very interesting post and amazing photos!
    Greetings, Lena

  22. This had to be one of the most wonderful experiences ever, Sue! Heartwarming and factual at the same time...:)JP

  23. That'a a very important discovery! I bet people get so excited looking at this boat..

  24. Sue, thanks for continuing to share your amazing trip with us to the Holy Lands. Nicely done. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful Wednesday!

  25. Very interesting - thanks for sharing! : )

  26. Fascinating facts and photo's. It's such a privilege to see these treasures. Thank you for sharing and hosting the link. Wishing you a great week :D

  27. That's quite a find! Droughts are terrible but some interesting things have shown up.

  28. Again WOW. When you see history before your very eyes it is mind blowing! Thanks so much for sharing Sue!

  29. Wow - that's so interesting. Thanks for linking up with the Ultimate Rabbit Hole xo


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