I miss the fall colors!


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  1. Yes, you are right, I agree... but more of all I miss my friends.

    Have a wonderful week. Stay healthy and well, dear blogfriend.

  2. Autumn color always seems to pass too quickly!

  3. Very pretty foliage! No fall colors here in Florida but I too missed seeing them in Illinois, thanks to the Virus.

  4. I would gladly see some color in the nature, too - it is dead :)

  5. Just lovely! Looks very invigorating too!

  6. I have a hard time finding fall colors as well, living in the desert does not provide the beautiful foliage I am used to. I hope all is well, have a great week!

  7. fall colours are so glorious. Enjoy your week, stay safe, and thankyou again for the link up.

  8. Beautiful, Sue!

    Wish we had fall here!

  9. The yellow in the second photo is spectacular! :)

  10. Oh yeah, I miss them too. Our year was very dry and the leaves were down before getting golden...
    Well, let's enjoy your photos!
    Greetings from Germany

  11. Fall colours have their unique beauty! 😍

  12. The fall colours are very beautiful. Have a lovely week.

  13. Shame you missed the autumn colours Sue. But thanks for sharing these and allowing us to link up today.

  14. I also miss the warm colors of autumn, especially since winter came suddenly and covered everything with snow. In these conditions, I take great pleasure in your photos.

    Have a fine day and stay safe!

  15. I miss the autumn hues too!
    Thank you for hosting!

  16. I'm with you, we start so colorful with the Spring, then head into Fall with it's beauty, and now it's just plain grey outside, but I do like the white, white of new fallen snow which helps some whenever we get some. But...not the snow drifts and bitter cold. Yeah, I want Fall or Spring back, better yet, Summer. Happy Tuesday. :)

  17. Wow, so very beautiful. I love the fall colors. So very nice.

  18. I miss them too! The trees look so naked!

  19. So do we! Now the trees are devoid of leaves, and it's cold. Looking forward to Spring. :)

  20. Gorgeous colors of fall. Life as an expat in Greece is great but I do miss the seasons' changing colors.

  21. Superb colors! Brilliant photos!
    I like the colors of autumn, but I "want" white from the beginning of December to the end of February. 😊

    All the best!

  22. Most of the fall colors are gone here too. Beautiful fall colors.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  23. Magic colors in these photos!
    Thank you a lot for the beauties!
    Happy WW!

  24. with it being in the 20s today in my little corner of the world, I'll take early call, with colored leaves and bright sunshine. too chilly today. TFS!

  25. Superb autumn photos. I liked them all! Hello!

  26. The fall colors are so beautiful. I don't get to see that around here.

  27. Autumn started this year with beautiful colors. I always see autumn as letting go of things but also receiving the new. Friendly regards from the Netherlands, Tine

  28. Great Colours - the most colourful time in the year.
    Have a good time

  29. They were especially lovely this year.... In the upper N.E.... With the longer Autumn...

    But we are now snow covered, and I love it,for this time of year.



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