Warm Strawberry Puff

This recipe was cut out of an old copy of Sift magazine, a publication by King Arthur Baking Company. if you haven't checked out the recipes on their website and an issue of Sift, you might want to give it a try - they have great recipes in addition to fine ingredients and baking supplies. 

Here's the link for the recipe for this tasty Warm Strawberry Puff.

With just 7 ingredients and no leavening for the "puff", this creates a large, light, and airy puff. The hardest part of the whole process is then folding it around the strawberries! It's so puffy that the berries want to escape!


  1. Ooh, that looks delicious! I wish I could join you for a piece :)

  2. Looks delish. Can be a bit tricky to fold the cake.

  3. That strawberry puff might go well with a scoop of ice cream. Looks delicious.

  4. That's looks delicious. Yummy... love it.

    Have wonder-wonderful week.

  5. Very interesting recipe. I figured that egg whites had to be involved.

  6. Oh my that looks so good, I've always wondered what a German Apple Pancake would be like too, this kinda reminds of pictures I have seen.?

    1. It's the same concept. Amazing to see how much they puff up!

  7. oh it looks so melt in your mouth.

  8. That looks delicious - aren't you clever!

  9. Yummm! Looks amazing, Sue!

    Happy Tuesday!

  10. Looks beautiful. I bet it tastes delicious.

  11. The soufflé is a pretentious dish and I kind of avoid making it. However, this recipe with strawberries is very attractive! Thanks for the idea!

  12. I love King Arthur flour. Thanks so much for the recipe link. It looks delicious, great for summer evenings.


  13. Looks very tasty Sue. Our strawberries are getting near the end now. And there's no much sunshine at the moment.

    Thanks for the link today.

  14. Wow! What a summer treat. Thank you for hosting!

  15. Yummy. Love strawberries and this looks fabulous.

    Have a terrific Wordless Wednesday. Thanks for hosting. ♥

  16. Oh, that looks delicious. I am going to check out that recipe, for sure!

    Thank you for hosting, Sue. Happy Wednesday!

  17. Thank you for the recipe. It looks delicious and
    I love strawberries!
    Happy WW and a fine week!

  18. That's fascinating! I visited the King Arthur company store in Vermont years and years ago and someone at work reminded me of it today. And now I see your post! Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  19. That looks so very yummy. Thanks for sharing it with us.


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