Ukranian Church: National Shrine of the Holy Family

While in Washington DC on retreat just before Holy Week, I finally took the opportunity to walk over to the beautiful church beside the retreat center. I'd noticed it for years and had wanted to visit as I was curious to see the interior. The retreat staff mentioned that it was a Ukranian Catholic Church, and in light of the devastating news from Ukraine recently, I had to go. While visitors were welcome to come in to see the church and to pray, there was no one present to answer some of the questions I had about the interior of the church. But I wanted to share this beautiful church with you and ask you to pray for the brave people of Ukraine and for peace in our troubled world.

I can only guess that the multicolored origami figures represented the souls of those who have perished.

Pussy willows were to be used rather than palms as part of the Palm Sunday liturgy.

For the first time in the years I'd been near this church, the chimes never rang. I'm sure they will peal joyfully when this war is over. Pray for an end to the violence.


  1. Good morning, thank you for sharing these amazing photos.
    We do need to pray for peace around the world and to keep evil away. Psalm 91
    Thank you for hosting. Have a wonderful week.

  2. So beautiful and peaceful in contrast to the bloody and senseless horror at the hands of Putin.

  3. Thank you for sharing. Praying for the people of Ukraine.

  4. Beautiful. We join you in praying for and end of the horrifying invasion.

  5. What an amazing opportunity to visit. Thank you for sharing. They are in my daily prayers for this insanity to end.

  6. That's a pretty church, a bit elabourate but nice, I didn't know they used pussy willows.

  7. It's very unusual architecture on the outside but how lovely - the light works well. Very uplifting

  8. This church is beautiful both in interior and exterior looks. Hope there will be peace soon!

  9. It is a beautiful church. I like the chimes tower. We are also praying for the war to stop.

  10. Beautiful, Sue!

    We stand with you in praying for an end to this senseless war.

  11. Thanks for sharing your photos of this beautiful church. By the way: at my blog you find every morning a prayer for peace or a service, recorded in one of the churches in Ukraina. A lot are just burned or destroyed by war :(

  12. In the UK we are used to churches being hundreds of years old, so it really refreshing to see one as modern as this. My prayers are of course with those that are suffering this needless war.

  13. Very beautiful. I share your thoughts about the terrible things taking place in Europe. It needs to stop.

  14. What a beautiful church. Praying for the end of that war.

  15. Thank you for sharing those photos and I'm so glad you went to take a look! As you might know, I've been working with authors to raise funds through two anthologies for Ukrainian refugees. I'm so happy to be able to help in that way. And, I'm praying for all involved. Thank you for reminding us to pray! I know you are also dealing with the loss of a loved one. Sending another prayer your way too!

  16. Impressive place, indeed!
    We pray for peace! This is the most precious event that must be achieved!

  17. A beautiful church. Praying here too for the war to end.

  18. Beautiful tower. I feel helpless about what is happening but I did send money to one of the charities.

  19. What is happening in Ukraine is devastating. It breaks my heart. I hope the war will end soon.

  20. Beautiful photos! Thank you for sharing them.

  21. So peaceful inside, and the artwork is beautiful. I toured our local Ukranian church years ago; I should find the photos I believe I took. Alana

  22. What a beautiful church! We love the pussy willows too.

  23. What a beautiful church. We are praying and sending thoughts of peace for Ukraine. With regard to the cranes, they symbolize peace, healing, and long life in Japanese culture. According to Japanese folklore, anyone who folds 1000 cranes (zenbazuru) will be granted their most desired wish.

  24. Thanks for taking part in the My Sunday Best meme!


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