Weighing heavy on my mind.

For too long the discourse about guns has been drawn along hard and fast lines, but it has come time for us to seek points of agreement between those who support the Second Amendment and those who call for gun control. Can we not bring together people on both sides of the issue who are concerned about the misuse of firearms?

According to statistics compiled by the nonprofit group Gun Violence Archive, there were 36 mass shootings in the US in the first 23 days of 2023, with a total of 2,679 deaths in the same period attributed to gun violence. No responsible gun owner would want to see guns used in such a fashion. This is just one point of agreement between two factions with very different points of view. Surely we can find more than one.

But the more I think about it, the more I think we need to draw up a list of “trigger words” before even trying to discuss this.  By this I mean words such as Liberal... Right-Wing... Black… Illegal aliens… Democrat… Republican... Gun control... These words and their synonyms and their ilk should be banned from the initial discussion, because people on both sides often close their minds and stop listening altogether as soon as they hear them. Both sides are guilty of this, and it’s sad to see people shouting at each other rather than listening and trying to come to a consensus about even ONE teensy thing to do to help make our streets and schools and homes safer.

This is not a right wing vs left wing issue, or a blue state vs red state issue – it is an issue that affects people of every race, religion, economic status, and political persuasion. It is a human issue. Let us call together reasonable people to seek ways to have safer streets and schools while still preserving the legitimate rights of gun owners.

I know there are a host of organizations who are concerned about this issue and the many factors that feed into the problem. Wouldn’t it be lovely if we could form a coalition comprised of one representative from each of these organizations who would agree to set and abide by ground rules for keeping the discussion civil and focused not on disputing but on finding constructive approaches to address the violence in our community from the ground up? By limiting the size of the group we could get more done, yet by having wide representation we could ensure that all viewpoints are heard.

Can we as Americans – as citizens of this country and of North Carolina – sit down together and find a reasonable and respectful approach?

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  1. Nicely balanced Sue. For us in the UK it is inexplicable and distressing to see so much gun crime and violence wherever it is. We have our fair share here too.

  2. I applaud you Sue! We need to stop labeling and start solving problems together again! I'm with you. Let's treat each other with respect again as Americans instead of finding fault with one another. I hope the problem solvers caucus, the mother's caucus, and representatives of goodwill can find solutions and stop separating us. Bless you

  3. Your comments on the pervasive occurrence of gun violence is very well-said. Your ideas are very valid. it's sad that those with the power to get things done seem to go at it the wrong way, thus never getting anything done. We live in such a scary world and things seem to be getting worse. Thank you for sharing your insights.

  4. I definitely do not like guns, they have tightened the rules here over the last few years but it doesn't seem to stop the extremists once in a while.

  5. At the risk of being offensive, which is not my intent, as someone from out of your country, I don't know how you stand it. We genuinely don't get it at all. We were taking some Americans out around a big crowded festival and after a few hours we stopped for ice cream (it was just after a school shooting in the States last year). The father said "It's nice to be able to sit here in a crowd and feel safe". I didn't know what he meant and siad something that made him panic a little and say "You do feel safe, don't you" (as he started scanning the crowd). I then realised what he meant (not refering to the shooting due to his kids). I thought it was such a sad perspective. I've always felt as a mother I'd hate to send my kids off to school in that environment (it's bad enough worrying about them getting hit by a car) but it didn't occur to me it would be in the back of mind about myself too. I hope you sort it out - as you say, it's not left or right as Norway and I beleive Canada have a mass of guns in the population so the root of the problem is something much bigger. Not sure how you fix it. Good post.

    1. Lydia I simply can't get offended by the truth of what you said here. We have a tremendous problem with violence in our country, and our government is so sharply divided along party lines that nothing gets done to address the issue. It's sad and it's scary.

    2. I came back to check as I was worried I was out of line - when someone outside of a country comments, I'm well aware it's a simplistic view, not taking in the full range of implications. I'm glad I didn't upset you.

    3. We have our own problems and we get our noses out of joint when called on it...

  6. I read on the news that there are 39 mass shootings related deaths since 2023. It is a horrible statistic

  7. Hope people will get together and find a solution soon. I like mass shooting with my camera!

  8. Important thoughts...well, luckily we don't have this problem in Germany, but there is a war raging in Europe and neither side is ready for diplomatic negotiations. As long as NATO and the USA supply weapons, this senseless mass killing will continue, both sides are megalomaniacs and they don't mean human suffering. One as bad as the other...

  9. I have heard about mass shooting but I didn't know and it is shocking that there have been 36 mass shooting in the first 23 days of 2023. Very well written and I hope a solution will be reached for the safety of everyone.

  10. I can't imagine living in a country where everyone can carry a gun. Every week we see yet another massacre in the USA on our TV news. I am so glad Australia has very strict gun laws. Take care, stay safe, and thankyou again for the linkup.

  11. Amen!! I wish so hard for meaningful change, enough is enough.

  12. What a special and right point of view! Even I am far away of your country, this subject is growing everywhere, unfortunately. But I am not quite sure that it is a strong wish from the above to solve it. It's my opinion, of course. On the contrary. Because could be a target behind the scene. We can imagine it but the truth about it it's not so obvious.
    Be well and optimist, even the times are strange! 😘❤️

  13. Well said.

    Thank you for hosting the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  14. Yes, indeed, Sue. Something needs to be done, and the only way this can happen is if people come together, listen to each other, and work together.

  15. No European country can understand that this outdated law from Cowboy and Indian times is still valid. It costs so many lives !

  16. That is very true, dear Sue - to come together and talk about it would be the best way - but as history shows -it seems to stay only a beautiful wish. All the best - Violetta

  17. Bubbles are always for for humans of all ages and for animals too.

  18. I so agree with you. We really need to find a common solution to this issue. Very nice.

  19. Our community knows this pain too well. We had a mass shooting in April of 2009 in an adult education classroom (13 dead plus the shooter). One of the Sandy Hook adult victims grew up here. And, the young supermarket shooter in Buffalo came from this area. If only we all could come together and talk. At this point in time I do not know what can break us Americans out of this cycle of violence. I think many of us have given up trying. Is it hopeless? It can't be. It must not be. I can't begin to imagine what it is like growing up here right now. Happy moments with bubbles bring me back to blowing bubbles with my then young son. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  20. I would be petrified living in a country where everyone can carry a gun.
    I hope that the problem will be resolved soon.
    Hugs and blessings, Sue!

  21. I fear for my kids that are grown and out and about constantly going here and there. I'm like that gentleman at times, and forget America is not what it use to be and forget to watch my back. It would be nice if our government could address the problem. I worry so about school children. If mine were little, there is no way they would go to public school. I still have one left that is in the public schools, and I pray for the school children pretty much daily. I see no need to have concealed carry or the mass of guns that are available. There is a sportman club down the road from me, and gun sounds that come from there are very, very scary. Repeating and booms sometimes all day long. It has quieted down some as I think the shooting rage on a country road that was getting worked on is back open. But still, the guns they shoot down there, and I see no reason why. They shoot into a large mound of dirt that was placed there for that purpose. My husband wondered if some day all the lead or whatever bullets are made of would be a problem to the soil someday. Maybe not, I have no idea. Your post is spot on.

  22. Well written, and I couldn't agree more. Joining you from Mosaic Monday.

  23. Thank you for hosting, dear blogfriend.


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