Play ball!

The tarp was on when we arrived at the park, but we got started after a brief rain delay. And our team won - 


We even saw blue skies by the end of the game!

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  1. I do like a good baseball game, sadly it's not very popular here.

  2. So good to see baseball after all these years

  3. The action shots are fantastic, Sue.

    Happy Tuesday!

  4. Take me down to the ball game - is that how the song goes. I sure it must be thrilling! Enjoy your week and thanyou again for the linkup.

  5. Congrats on the win! Sounds like a rollercoaster of a game, weather-wise. Great action shots!

  6. I really like the first picture of the pitcher. He is stretched out!!
    Thanks for sharing!

  7. Good for your team. What an impressive stadion!
    And your photos are so dynamic!
    Happy WW and a fine week!

  8. Very colorful! Thank you for hosting.

  9. Great shots, Sue. A day at the ballpark is always fun, especially when your team wins. Thank you for hosting! :)

  10. Great photos, but the wrong team, says the Twins fans LOL

  11. Very nice photos. Looks like it was a fun time. I am a huge A's fan. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  12. Great shots, glad your team won.
    Thanks, Sue, for hosting and allowing me to participate.
    My entries this week are numbered #32+33.
    Please join and share your posts with us

  13. Never been to pro baseball game. I also played wordless wednesday.
    Hopefully you have time stop by for cup of coffee.


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