So much to see!

Still prowling around the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts...

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  1. That is a great building and institution! Philly, in general is a treasure box of culture. Thank you for sharing. Aloha!

  2. What a variety of art in this museum. And so different.
    All the best and have a good time

  3. I really like the top one, I could see all sorts of things in it and wonder what it was about.

  4. Wow. We're really enjoying your photos from the museum. It seems like a place you could spend a lot of time in!

  5. I am always amazed b these kind of creations.
    A beautiful series!
    Happy WW and a fine week!❤️😘

  6. Incredible pieces of art!

    Happy Wednesday, Sue!

  7. Very pretty! I especially like the first picture!
    😘 All the best, Traude

  8. So very beautiful. I loving this tour. Very cool. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.


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