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AAAHHH! Orchids!

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Also, if you host a linky party, photo challenge, or blog hop, list yours on our "Link Your Linky Party Here" page. You'll find a link to that page under the title bar. Be sure to list it under the day of the week when you usually post it. Please list your website url - not the url for an individual post - so that folks can find your next posts quickly and easily!

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I spy a dragonfly eye!

Recently I've become transfixed by dragonflies and have found a few that have been happy to pose for photo ops. This particular fellow let me get close enough to catch some pretty good closeups. I hope you enjoy seeing them as much as I enjoyed taking them!

If you'd like to learn more about dragonflies, check this site. You'll find some interesting trivia!

Please use the linky below to share your wordless photos, and be sure to visit others to see what they've been shooting.

Also, if you host a linky party, photo challenge, or blog hop, list yours on our "Link Your Linky Party Here" page. You'll find a link to that page under the title bar. Be sure to list it under the day of the week when you usually post it. Please list your website url - not the url for an individual post - so that folks can find your next posts quickly and easily!

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Go Bulls!

Heads up, batter - here comes the ball!

And now for the follow-through...

Here comes the ball! SWING, batta batta!

Uh oh - missed it! (Look for the ball beside his right leg!)
Unfortunately, our team lost anyway that night.... But we're still tops in our league! And for a view of a better night for our guys, check the video below:


Please use the linky below to share your wordless photos, and be sure to visit others to see what they've been shooting.

Also, if you host a linky party, photo challenge, or blog hop, list yours on our "Link Your Linky Party Here" page. You'll find a link to that page under the title bar. Be sure to list it under the day of the week when you usually post it. Please list your website url - not the url for an individual post - so that folks can find your next posts quickly and easily!

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Shhh! Check out my auto deco!

You've heard of "art deco"? This is "auto deco"!

Earlier this week I noticed a new "ornament" on top of the antenna of my car. He stayed there for long enough for me to get the camera & shoot a few pix.

When I was a kid, I used to be afraid of dragonflies. Now I find them fascinating.

Now he looks like he's ready for takeoff!

Please use the linky below to share your wordless photos, and be sure to visit others to see what they've been shooting. Also, if you host a linky party, photo challenge, or blog hop, list yours on our "Link Your Linky Party Here" page. Be sure to list it under the day of the week when you usually post it.

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