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Beaune: in the heart of the Burgundy region of France

The old city of Beaune is surrounded by a wall built for defense in medieval times. It's a key wine center and the location of the most important wine auction held annually in France. 
A portion of the wall which surrounds the old city since medieval times.
The wall itself is less than 2 miles in length.
The Hostel-Dieu was built in the 15th century and used as a hospital for indigent people. It was in 
continuous use as a hospital until the 1970's, at which point it was converted to a museum. It is
considered to be a fine example of Renaissance architecture.
The narrow streets are a great place for browsing, visiting, and outdoor dining.
The spire of the Hostel-Dieu
The market and Hostel-Dieu at twilight

This beautiful canal which runs through Beaune was a place where women met to do
laundry in days past