Images found here are not to be reproduced without my express written permission.

The Church of Saint Joseph

The Church of Saint Joseph, located in Nazareth, was built over the site which many believe to be Jesus' childhood home. Legend also claims that Joseph's workshop was there, but this is doubted by most historians. This church is modest when compared to the neighboring Church of the Annunciation.

"Hic erat subditus illis." - "Here he became obedient to them."

One last thing... I won't be responding much to your photos and comments. I was viciously attacked by a patch of ice yesterday and will be working under a handicap for the next few weeks. Note, however, the manicure survived.

It's Tuesday somewhere, and that means it's time to join in with this week's Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) photo linkup party! And to be sure you won't miss upcoming parties, follow image-in-ing through Google +, Google Friend Connect, or by email - the links can be found on the sidebar.

If you host a weekly photo party and would like to have your linkup listed on the blogroll, drop me a line! And be sure to check out the blogroll - there are lots of really great photographers who'd love to have  you stop by their parties, too.

Have a great week!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.