Images found here are not to be reproduced without my express written permission.

I love the seasons of the year!

Correction: I love three seasons of the year. 

I'm not crazy about winter. 

So I'm rewinding a bit to share a few fall photos! THAT is my favorite season of the year!

Some things I'm thankful for!

Here in the U.S., we celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday. It's a good time to remember all the blessings we've experienced in our lives. So here are just a few that I thank God for.


Fond memories of loved ones who've gone on before

The beauties of nature

Faith in a loving God making all our blessings possible.

10 months gone

My husband died of covid on January 7, 2022, and finally the gravestone has arrived. I didn't realize what a gut-wrenching thing it would be to see it.

As time went on after his death, I realized that the closest analogy I could come up with is that losing a spouse is like learning to live with an amputation. I'll get used to it, but something very important will always be missing. And then I remembered Genesis 2:24: "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." And suddenly the "amputation" analogy seemed truer than ever.

I miss you so much, Dave.