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On retreat

The Daughters of Saint Francis de Sales is a world-wide association of women who try to live the gentle spirituality of Saint Francis de Sales, a Doctor of the Church who believed that all of us - regardless of our state in life - are called to holiness. We don't do this perfectly, by any means, but joining with other women who are trying to live faithful lives helps us to get back on course. These photos are from the 2023 annual retreat of the USA Mid-Atlantic and England Region of the Daughters of St. Francis de Sales.
At the Washington (DC) Retreat House, with the spire of the Ukranian Catholic Church in the distance
The spire and bell tower of the Ukranian Catholic Church in Washington DC
The lovely altar at the Washington Retreat House
5 women newly consecrated as Daughters of St. Francis de Sales, with their companions
Daughters of St. Francis de Sales on retreat
Members of the North Carolina Daughters with retreat master Fr. John McGee OSFS