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A dream of a lifetime

I've always dreamed of going to Israel, but to actually have that dream come true is something I'll always remember. Over the next few weeks, I'll share some of the things we saw there.

The Sea of Galilee, viewed from the Mount of Beatitudes, where Jesus is said to have taught the Beatitudes to his disciples. Matthew 5:1-12

The Church of the Beatitudes, a small but lovely church.

Looking at the Sea of Galilee from the Mount of Beatitudes

A Franciscan nun discourages her faithful canine companions from entering the Church of the Beatitudes.

Moonrise over the Church of the Beatitudes

It's Tuesday somewhere, and that means it's time to join in with this week's Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) photo linkup party! And to be sure you won't miss upcoming parties, follow image-in-ing through Google +, Google Friend Connect, or by email - the links can be found on the sidebar.

If you host a weekly photo party and would like to have your linkup listed on the blogroll, drop me a line! And be sure to check out the blogroll - there are lots of really great photographers who'd love to have  you stop by their parties, too.

Have a great week!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Beautiful shots of the Galilee. Look forward to seeing the rest of them.

  2. Fascinating pictures. I especially like the nun and amazing gate.

  3. How wonderful, Sue. Truly a dream trip! We could use the message of the Beatitudes right now in the USA!.

  4. One of the places that I'd like to visit one day...

  5. Amazing trip of a lifetime to walk where Jesus walked! Wonderful photos!

  6. These pictures are so lovely!! Have a very great week!

  7. Very beautiful. What a wonderful trip. I would love to go there.

  8. Wow - that's really interesting...(and not where I ever would have guessed!)

  9. Nice placeSue. I guessed wrong but you got the right place to go.

  10. Have never seen Israel like this. Beautiful photos of historical buildings.

  11. It looks beautiful. Thank you for sharing!

  12. Oh wow, you are in Israel... so gorgeous places and the funniest photo is that with the dogs by the portal. Have a great travel.
    (yesterday I could not comment and today it is the second try, somewhat isn't correctly working here for me...)

    To your request: this is the usual construction style of old houses in our area from middle age until 1900 (my home too, build in 1850), will make more photos in next weeks, when finally all the rain is over.

  13. Yes, visit to a holy place is always like a dream come true. Unique church architecture.How lovely it looks on a moon-lit night!

  14. Beautiful gates and doorways.
    Great photos!

  15. I have heard so much about Israel from my friends who have been to Israel. I am so happy to see the photos and I am looking forward for more photos. At least now I get the chance to see Israel through your photos!

  16. So jealous! I haven't been to Israel in way too long.

  17. Beautiful photos and wonderful narrative. That extra hour of travel had me perplexed so I guessed wrong.

  18. I cannot think of a place that I would rather visit than the Holy Land. To literally stand on the same ground and walk the same streets as our Savior would indeed be a dream come true. However, I am content that one day I will eternally reside in a place that God has prepared for me. Have a blessed day.

  19. What interesting photographs! The nun talking to the dogs was quite fun. Thanks for your sweet comment on my photos of Cape Town (I was behind with comments). And, thanks for hosting!

  20. We loved Israel! Glad you had the opportunity to go!

  21. Beautiful photographs of somewhere I've never visited. Those gates are incredible.
    Thank you for sharing such special memories.

  22. I'm so jealous. That's been on my bucket list for a long time. Great Photos! Enjoy and can't wait to hear more.

  23. That is super exciting!! I have never visited Israel so I always enjoy posts about it. :-)

    Lisa @ LTTL

  24. It looks like a special trip and these are some great photos. I especially like the feeling from the last one, the way it's lit up and framed.

  25. WOW that would be an amazing trip! I love the photos you have up so far. It's great your dream came true.

  26. Wow doesn't really do it. How special for you to have visited this place.

  27. Great shots! Love the shot of the doggies at the gate.

  28. beautiful photographs...

    Please visit:

  29. I LOVE your photographs! Israel is one of the places to visit in my bucket list. Blessings!

  30. How wonderful! I thought you were going to Europe. Can't wait to learn more about your trip.

  31. I intend visiting there next year - thanks so much for your preview!

    My WW pictures (Linky)

  32. What beautiful photographs. I love the gates all lit up at night.

  33. Thank you so much for shwoing your photos! Israël is also on my dream-list.

  34. How wonderful! I've been to Israel 5 times (for work, but have been fortunate enough to tack on some personal time), and it is a fascinating country, for sure. Love your pictures!

  35. Marvelous photos of this special area. Enjox your time there !
    Best regards, Synnöve

  36. Sue, so Israel is where the plane took you! WOW, what amazing photos! When I was younger I thought it would be awesome to see the Holy Land. I can't wait to see more photo shares! Thanks for hosting the mid-week fun!

  37. So interesting! Beautiful pictures!

  38. Simply beautiful!! And how wonderful to stand in such a historic location! I'd be so overwhelmed.

  39. I look forward to seeing your images of Israel. I have a friend from there, and I would love to travel there with her. Enjoy.

  40. GASP! Israel's on my bucket list! :D Thanks for posting these, and I can't wait to see more pics of Israel! :D

  41. What a privilege to visit and then to share with us. Thank you so much. Enjoy!

  42. Great photos of a historic and spiritual land!
    Thank you for linking up with the Travel Tuesday meme, hope to see you again there this week.

  43. Beautiful town with interesting architecture. Great shots!


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