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Pine tree versus windshield

 My car was parked in the driveway when a neighbor's pine tree attacked it. A few days later, I was fascinated watching the tree surgeons cut away dead limbs from the otherwise healthy tree. At one point, he was nearly 70 feet in the air!

Save a Gato

 Old San Juan Puerto Rico was plagued with feral cats, but rather than mass euthanization of the cats, a charitable organization was founded to trap, neuter, and release the cats. Now, when strolling along the streets of the old city, you will find cats who have received appropriate medical care and been neutered to curb the population. Folks put food and water along the path, and it's delightful to walk through his historic area.

Interested in learning more or in making a donation? Check Save A Gato. In the meanwhile, take a stroll through Old San Juan and see some of these kitties.

The photography of Hugh L. Mangum

I recently saw a collection of photographs taken by an itinerant photographer named Hugh Mangum. He traveled along the eastern seaboard in the late 1800's and early 1900's. A series of the images he took would be developed on a large glass plate. He photographed a wide variety of people, both black and white, old and young, and occasionally he would photograph family pets.Upon his death, plates were stacked and stored in a barn. Many years later they were re-discovered and given to the manuscript department at Duke University. They are now preserved as part of a digital collection.

Because these plates were stacked atop each other and stored in an often hot and humid Durham, North Carolina barn, many of the images bled into each other, creating some interesting double exposure images. To learn more about Hugh Mangum, click here and here.