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Save a Gato

 Old San Juan Puerto Rico was plagued with feral cats, but rather than mass euthanization of the cats, a charitable organization was founded to trap, neuter, and release the cats. Now, when strolling along the streets of the old city, you will find cats who have received appropriate medical care and been neutered to curb the population. Folks put food and water along the path, and it's delightful to walk through his historic area.

Interested in learning more or in making a donation? Check Save A Gato. In the meanwhile, take a stroll through Old San Juan and see some of these kitties.


  1. Its sad, about the Chats. I had sein this in Greek, too.

  2. San Juan is so picturesque. I have not been back to Puerto Rico since Hurricane Maria. It is so sad to see the destruction of so much of its natural areas and all the political turmoil.

  3. Hi! So sorry for them. Thanks for sharing.

  4. It is sad about the cats. I love cats!

  5. How good for the cats, that they help them! I've recently saved a very hungry and sick cat from the forest and bought her to the vet - I well know that problem.
    Greetings from Germany

  6. Looks lovely! Pretty standard for many places in regards to cats and dogs. Italy we always see wild cats and dogs. Not sure why they governments don't do something about it.

  7. I think neutering the cats is better than euthanizing them. They have a chance to live and in a way the population is kept in control. Kudos to the charitable organization who gave medical care to the cats and hope they have enough food to sustain them.

  8. A lot of places have these cats now - how beautiful.

  9. That is such a great thing to do. In Greece we have lots of stray animals with no one caring for them at all.

  10. It's great that someone is helping these cats. I love cats <3

  11. We have trap/neuter/release here. It's nice, except for the birds who don't like getting eaten.

  12. That's awesome that people there are using TNR to help control the feral cat population. Thank you for sharing about Save a Gato, and for hosting. Have a great day, Sue!

  13. Aruba has many dogs (and a few cats) that wander the beaches looking for food. Also on the North side of the island, there are donkeys that I believe are now being cared for by an organization. The TNR here is what saved Katniss' mom's life...:)jp

  14. I'm so glad they did that. Would've been a real shame to destroy them.

  15. How awesome that they decided to neuter the cats, instead of destroying them. They are probably helpful at keeping mice and rats under control. Nice! Thanks for hosting!

  16. The problem is that the cats kill many, many wild birds and wild animals.


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