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Happy Veteran's Day

We stopped at a rest area on the interstate (I-40) in Warsaw, NC. I was perplexed to see a Howitzer on the lawn not all that far from the "facilities". I had to go over and read about it. A nice idea, but still a strange location to my mind.

Thanks to all who served to keep our country safe. May God bless and protect you.


  1. Happy Veterans Day. Honoring their service to our country

  2. Guess the city didn't know what to do with it!

  3. A terrible thing in my mind. We don't need them!

    1. I don't understand. What is it that you're saying we don't need?

  4. Happy Veterans Day,we are so thankful for all military to protect us everyday!
    Thank you for Hosting, I hope you have a great week!

  5. Hopefully we learn more from the past.

  6. Hi! The first world war was over at 11th in November. It7s a memorial day. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Happy Veterans Day. A great tribute to those who sacrifice for their nation.

  8. Good thoughts Sue. Our Remembrance Day was Monday.

  9. An important day to remember those who fought and fight for us.

  10. Odd, but maybe on a busy highway, more people will see it there and stop.

  11. We spent Veterans Day on a military base during our Snowbird Road Trip. We enjoy RV parks on bases. - Margy

  12. It was nice to see so many people thinking of their mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers, sons and daughters who have or are serving.

  13. That is an unexpected site for a howitzer. Very interesting memorial!

  14. We are so grateful for all who have, and do, protect our freedoms.

  15. I've seen these in various places including roadside memorials.

  16. Those who served our countries are the heroes of all heroes.

    Happy Veterans Day!
    God bless.

    Would love to have you link up with us at #WW too at:

    Have a fantastic week ahead!

  17. Happy Veterans Day! An important day to remember the sacrifices of all those who fought so valiantly, on the seas, in the air, and on foreign shores.

  18. Those who are so brave to keep us free. So sad it has to be that way, but really thankful for all who serve and/or served.

  19. Interesting Memorial. Veterans Day is big in my house as I am a vet. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  20. God Bless all the military who are now serving or who have served so that we may have freedom and never forget those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.

  21. Had no idea that Warsaw had the longest running Veterans Day celebration!! Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 6. Shared. I invite you to also link up at my Short Story Link Party. It is a creative writing exercise for fun and without a lot of editing. Just start typing and see what you come up with! Remember, no story is too short! See the party on my site for the current prompt :)

  22. So important to remember those who fought for us. Thanks for linking up #twinklytuesday

  23. Such an important time to remember those who didn't come home


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