The Roman Catholic diocese of Raleigh, North Carolina had the smallest cathedral of any diocese in the United States with a seating capacity of 320. A decision was made to build a new cathedral to serve the needs of the diocese. Ground was broken in 2017, and the Cathedral was dedicated 2 1/2 years later. It can now seat 2000 people.
The weather didn't look promising, but the interior glowed. |
The organ is impressive. There are more than 3700 pipes ranging in size from 32 feet (speaking a frequency of 16 hertz) to ¾ of an
inch long (producing frequencies of above 16,000 hertz). It was donated by a parishioner on 2 conditions: (1) that the name of the donor remain anonymous and (2) that the cost of the organ not be divulged.
The Cathedral was still decorated for Christmas at the time of our visit. |
The Cathedral is one of only two churches in North Carolina with a dome, and it is beautiful. |
Here is a photo taken at a prior visit. In it, you have a better view of the Carerra marble of the floor surrounding the altar. |