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Meandering outside the shop

One of my favorite little side trips is going to Cedar Creek Gallery, a nearby shop featuring pottery, glass, metalwork, and other works of art. Each time we go, we find new treasures. Before showing you some of the lovely items which we found at our last visit, here is a bit of the outside. Next week's post will feature some of the art work currently on display.


  1. Neat little place! Looks as if they have a nice nest box for a pigeon or squirrel, or maybe an owl.

  2. Hi Sue
    This sounds like an interesting workshop to visit. It's nice to see how things are made. Thanks for hosting!

  3. Love the textures outside this gallery. Yes, it must be filled with treasures.

  4. I am loving all the pictures of the outside of the shop, the glass ball gazing sticks are great.
    Be sure to stop by and share your party and latest updates with us on #ohmyheartsiegirl.
    I hope you have a lovely week!

  5. Workshops are most interesting. Thank you for sharing.

    Have a good week. We have stormy weather here.

  6. Sometimes the plain shops on the outside hold the best treasures!

  7. Lovely treasures! What a quaint shop!

    Happy Tuesday, Sue!

  8. The weathered walls look beautiful & the first art work you show!

  9. This little place looks interesting.

  10. Sounds like a place I would love. I so enjoy visiting the non-traditional shops around here and even a Bent'n Dent to get some bargains. Happy week and Valentine's Day

  11. I like places like this. So much more interesting than a modern store.

  12. Cedar Creek Gallery looks so cool. That's our kind of place to visit, too!

  13. Such a charming place! Thank you for sharing these lovely photos and for hosting the link party. Cheers!

  14. This looks like a wonderful place to explore. I bet it's inspirational too.

  15. Such a cool place. I would love to visit there. Sorry I am so late and thanks for hosting.

  16. This workshop looks so cool! It looks like an artist dream! Can't wait to see more.


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