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A surprise visitor

I won't even apologize for the photo quality here as these pix were shot through glass and screen. This is a bird we'd never seen before, and we discovered it's a rose-breasted grosbeak. The source we consulted said that they are rarely seen in our area; they travel through as they migrate between their winter and summer homes.


  1. Very exciting to see! They are fairly rare here in central Florida. They migrate through here but it's not that easy to catch them.

  2. That is a great find, and the photos are fine. I was doing the same thing taking photos through the patio door just now only taking pics of a squirrel eating all the seed he could find and he could find a lot.

  3. Beautiful visitor (and a nice coincidence!). Stay safe and enjoy the view.

  4. Little cutie!
    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice new week.

  5. Your Rose breasted Grosbeaks are a very colourful species Sue. Thanks for the link today.

  6. Thank you for hosting... it's a pleasure again, take part of your challenge. Viewing the birds is lovely.

    Stay well and healthy.

  7. I just saw a rose-breasted grossbeak last week when we were out birding. Never saw them at the feeder, though!

  8. How much fun it is to be surprised by such a beautiful visitor! Have a wonderful week!


  9. Since the shuttering in, we are hearing more birds, all day long.

  10. Adorable! I had a solid blue (almost turquoise) bird visit my feeder just one time and I have never seen him again> I wonder if he was just passing through like yours was? Either way, what a lovely visitor!

    1. That may have been an indigo bunting - we used to see them from time to time at our former home. Beautiful bird1

  11. How gorgeous! We too were hearing and seeing more birds...

  12. So special when you see a new bird come to the bird feeder or bird bath - you don't want to go outside to take photos in case you scare it away. Stay safe and have a good week.

  13. What an adorable visitor, Sue! Love the photos!

    Hey, do you mind deleting my link (#11). For unknown reasons, Youtube deleted the video so the post was pointless without the video and I removed the post!

  14. We have those here at he feeders and in our little backwoods, all the spring through summer. Pretty aren't they?! The female looks like a huge striped sparrow, but the beak gives her away...
    I even was taking their pictures today, too along with various other birds.
    They LOVE the sunflower seeds, and they even go for the grape jelly that is there for the orioles.
    (We live in semi rural SW Michigan...)

  15. So lovely! Never seen such a bird before.
    Stay healthy

  16. I do not know the birds but they are pretty. New visitors to your yard. Thank you for hosting and have a wonderful day.

  17. Brave visitors, but ... what are they nibbling on there?

  18. That is neat that you saw them and were able to get their photo. We have a lot of birds in the yards, but mostly the everyday variety. I'm enjoying all the cardinals here flitting about. Have a wonderful day.

  19. Interesting, the travels of birds from season to season. Time for the hummingbirds to appear in my area. Always fun to see the unusual ones to an area. Glad you got a picture of him/her.

  20. What a stunning cardinal you caught! This bird does not live in Finland.

  21. This bird must be very happy with its bonanza find for lunch!!

  22. Such cute birdies. Lovely shots. Thank you for sharing! :)"

  23. Marvelous birds! I'd love to see them and take pictures.

  24. What a beautiful bird! And how awesome that it stopped to visit you. :)

    Thank you for hosting, Sue. Happy Wednesday!

  25. Thank you for another lovely party.

  26. It's a good way to feed the birds .. Or maybe it's a thief who came to steal :)

  27. Lovely messengers! May be they stay a little bit more, for more photos!
    Thank you for sharing them!
    Happy WW and thank you for the linking!

  28. I’ve noticed more song birds this year. Perhaps it’s because there is less people and traffic scurrying about.

  29. Hi Sue,

    What an apt post, given the fact that it was World Migratory Day last weekend, 9th May. :)

    Such a gorgeous bird.

    Thank you for sharing and I believe these are great pictures indeed, albeit shot from a window. :)

  30. That's surely a great find! So glad you shared the bird shots with us here and let us in to enjoy the view along with you! :)

    Happy #ww and a lovely week ahead to you.

    Best wishes,

  31. I'm not home so my bird feeder isn't out for our migrating bird. - Margy

  32. Surprise! I think the photos came out very nice, all things considered. Alana

  33. Those are super amazing pics. So very beautiful. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  34. Wow! I can relate to the delight and to see the ones which are infrequent or not seen around is a bonus. I love birds and everyday I hope to see a new one :)

  35. Hi,
    I am pleased that you have linked your successful challenge to me too.
    Today you show charming bird photos, beautiful photos
    Thank you very much and best regards

  36. How exciting! They're beautiful birds.
    Thanks, as always, for sharing with us at I'd Rather B Birdin this week.


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