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Hummingbird haven



  1. These are such beautiful action photos of the hummingbirds at your feeder, Sue! Have a wonderful week.

  2. Wow, what lovely scenes on the food bar. Thank you for sharing.
    Have a good week.

  3. You obtained some nice crisp shots in great light. I have had mostly females visit our feeder and it has the lake behind it which creates backlighting no matter the time of day, so I rarely get a male's gorget to reflect so completely.

  4. How gorgeous! Hummingbirds are just delightful to watch but I have never captured photos like yours!

  5. I keep putting out food but never see the humming birds.
    They are so fun to watch.

  6. Those shots are magnificent - you did a great job getting them. The last one in particular!

  7. I love your hummingbirds. We had one visitor this summer, but he was around every day. I think he is gone now for the season since I have not seen him in about a week.

  8. Hummingbirds are so fascinating to watch!

    Love your captures, Sue.

  9. How beautiful this little bird can be! And how nice of you to feed her and give her water! Respect!

  10. Ammmmmmmazing! I just love hummingbirds. You are lucky to have them in your area. And you are smart to call them home! 😍

  11. Beautiful shots of the hummingbirds in flight.

  12. Great captures of one of the most fun little birds to watch. Seems mine have left for warmer places already. Haven't seen them in about a week or so.

  13. Nicely captured! I love hummingbirds! Thank you for hosting.

  14. Hummingbirds were my late grandfather's favourite. Beautiful photos! Thank you for bringing forth some great memories for me!

  15. How lucky you are to see in the real life this special and amazing bird!
    Thank you for sharing the images and for the linking.
    Happy WW!

  16. Beautiful hummingbird photos! The last shot reminds me of enameled jewelry.

  17. Amazing shots, Sue! Those hummers sure are amazing and beautiful! Thank you for sharing, and for hosting. :)

  18. It's gorgeous! A miniature bird. ❤️
    Very successful photos!

  19. We feed the hummingbirds here too. We have six feeders in the summertime and it's all we can do to keep them full. They are mostly gone now. Fall does that. You captured these beauties very well.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  20. What beautiful photos ! I have never seen a hummingbird life ! Only on photos ! Never imagined that such mini birds exist !!

  21. Hummingbird haven indeed. Simply beautiful.

  22. I really love the photos of the hummingbird. Gorgeous creature indeed

  23. My favourites and love the spunky feeder. A joy to behold these frisky, chirpy hummingbirds.

    Happy #WW

  24. What beauties. I love these tiny feathered friends.


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