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The rest of the indoor herb garden



  1. Nothing better than fresh herbs. Seeing all this green makes us think of spring, although it is far off for us.

  2. Everything seems to be growing really well, and I love the herb explanation signs.

  3. I agree... fresh herbs are wonderful for cooking.

    Especially Oregano! Thank you for sharing this delicate Post.

    Stay healthy and well, dear Blogfriend.

  4. That's a wonderful herb collection. They make so many foods tasty! Have a wonderful week and thank you for hosting!

  5. Useful information about selection and use of the herbs. Cooking lamb chops tonight with rosemary and spearmint in the marinade.

    1. Mmm mmm! What time is dinner served? I'll be there with bells on!

  6. There's nothing better than having a few herbs growing in the kitchen to snip, my favorite is Basil.
    Thank you for hosting each week.
    I hope you find a way to enjoy your week!

  7. What an outstanding herb garden you've got there!! They all are doing great too! I'm afraid if I had any herbs indoors, Katniss would eat them!!! (P.S. The Pres got his 1st COVID vaccine).

  8. You've got a really neat herb garden there, Sue!

    Happy Gardening!

  9. Your indoor herbs look very healthy. I am encouraged looking at your herbs. I will try to grow them indoors because they are not doing well outdoor, easily infested by pests.

  10. Thanks for the link today Sue. I must say, we use oregano a lot when we roast tomatoes to go with a breakfast of bacon and egg. Or we add it into a lamb casserole to give the Greek feel and taste.

  11. What a green thumb you have!
    Thanks for hosting!

  12. Beautiful herbs. I wish we had a bit more space for indoor gardening.

  13. They are all so useful!
    Thanks for hosting. All the best!

  14. I wish I could give that basil a little pinch and sniff its aroma!

  15. I love tomato sauces with basil, especially for pasta dishes, but also for others.

    Have a fine week, Sue!

  16. They look so healthy. You've inspired me to try planting myself a herb garden indoors.

  17. Beautiful indoor herbs. So very nice. Thanks for sharing them.

  18. Sigh! This makes me think of salad. I miss salad bars.

  19. Your indoor herb garden is fabulous, Sue! Everything looks so healthy.

    Thanks for hosting. I hope you, hubby and the kitties are doing well!

  20. Once upon a time I had planted Oregano and Basil in our garden, because they are part of the Italian kitchen and I do a lot of Italian cooking. Then I became too lazy and now I buy it !

  21. I'll bet your home smells most wonderful. All those fabulous herbs.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday and rest of the week. ♥

  22. Those are so beautiful and healthy, very nice!

  23. The only plant I have in my balcony is the basil.
    You have an amazing place with all the plants around!
    Happy WW and thank you for the linking!

  24. I would love to be able to grow basil, rosemary, cilantro, and thyme. However, I kill most of my plants, so, there's that. Love the flavor of fresh herbs!

  25. Part of me would love to start an herb garden but I'm afraid that I killed the plants or wouldn't know how to work with the fresh herbs. Have you ever dried the herbs? If so, how easy is this to do?

    1. Yes I do dry the herbs. There is a dehydrate setting in my tabletop toaster oven and I also have a small dehydrator with with multiple trays. I find that the tabletop ove works best... quicker and more consistent results. I've also seen instructions for drying in a regular oven at low heat.

  26. We grow our set of herbs too, mostly every winters, as the summers are harsh here. The only one that lasts us is Thai Basil and once in a while, the resilient Arugula. And yes, last year we got lucky with our oregano giving it some extra TLC.

    We enjoyed growing micro-greens too in the last two years.

    I love how you have added those informative placards, to your herb collection. I'm forwarding it to my DH who is an avid gardner.

    Thanks Sue. Totally enjoyed this post.

  27. I did not know if you read my answer, so I write here a link:
    Have a beautiful weekend ahead!

  28. Thank you, This article is really helpfull for us .
    Please regularly upload new posts .
    We all loves your website .

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    12 Best Low Maintenance Indoor Plants India


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