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Bad memory!

Several years ago, we came home from a nice evening with friends, parked the car, and went inside. I heard a strange noise outside and YIKES - the car we had just left had burst into flames beside our house.

Fortunately, the fire department is located about a mile away. 

 Here's the car in the daylight the following day. Note that the flames were intense enough to burn a hole in the asphalt driveway... but the house just a couple of feet away was completely undamaged.

Maybe this wasn't such a bad memory after all! The car was a loss, but no one was injured and the house was spared. 

 Thank God!


  1. Oh my! This must have been so upsetting and scary, Sue. Did you ever find out how it happened? Thank goodness no one was hurt and your house did not also catch fire!

  2. Wow! I have heard of power steering fluid catching fire if the car has a leak and parking it involves full or extreme turning either right or left. Could be from turning the car around in a small space or having sharp turns in your driveway, which causes the fluid to squirt out of the leaking joint and strike the hot exhaust manifold. That was scary and so glad your home was not damaged. Nearly 70 years ago I set my 1937 Ford on fire by spilling some gasoline on the block while trying to "prime" the carburetor. I put the fire out by throwing sand on it-- luckily it happened in a very sandy spot.

  3. Glad no one was hurt and all was OK. Always good to look at the positive! Have a god day!

  4. Blimey Sue. You had a close escape there. Shame about the car too. Hope you were well insured.

  5. So glad no one was hurt and all was OK. Always good to look for the positive! Enjoy your day!

  6. Oh, what bad rememberings... thank God, you wasn't injured.
    Have a good new week with only good things.

    Hugs, Heidrun

  7. Wow! How frightening! Glad you were okay.

  8. What a strange incident, I’m just glad the fire didn't spread.

  9. That could have been a terrible disaster with your home so close. So glad the fire department was so close and quick to respond.

  10. It is tragic to have a major car fire. At least it was not parked in your garage, and burn your house down also. I hope insurance was able to replace the car.

  11. This is terrible ! I hope the insurance has covered your losses!

  12. Oh dear - glad that you were not hurt!

  13. Whoa! At least you weren't in it at the time. How crazy!

  14. Oh wow, yes bad memories but thankfully no one was hurt. Glad your all OK.

    Thanks for hosting.

  15. Wow! That was a close one. Thank God, no one was hurt and your house not damage even though it was next to the burning car. What a memory of a frightening incident.

  16. What a scary experience! So glad the fire department was close by.

    Happy Tuesday, Sue!

  17. my goodness! what a scary thing to happen! Someone was certainly looking out for you that day - with no one hurt and your house untouched. Much to be thankful for. Stay safe, enjoy your week, and thank you for the link up.

  18. It's great to see the good side of things. The loss of human lives or the house would have been much bigger and harder to deal with than the loss of the car. Too bad for her, but ...

    Have a fine day and a beautiful spring, Sue!

  19. Oh my! That must have shaken you up quite a bit.

  20. OMG! I am as grateful and THANKFUL as YOU are, my friend!!!

  21. How terrifying!!
    Thank you for hosting.

  22. Yes, so good that nobody was harmed ❤️🙏😊

  23. Not something you ever going to forget. Great that it had a happy ending

  24. WOW! Your angels were watching over you that night!

  25. Wow! I'm glad you guys were safe and your house too! It looks like a fun night for the firefighters, although a disconcerting one for you. Thanks for hosting!

  26. You are definitely blessed to have not been in it.

  27. That is a Bad Memory but blessed too

  28. oh wow that is so scary, looks like it had a safe outcome though.

  29. Oh my, yikes is right. You got out just in the nick of time. Glad no one was hurt.

  30. Wow, so very scary. I am glad that no one was hurt. I am glad that you were not involved.

  31. Glad they put it out and the house did not get damaged.

  32. Oh my gosh! How scary! I'm so glad you were not in the car when that happened, and that no one got hurt!

  33. How horrible ! and you were so lucky that you had nothing and your house either !! Must have been a terrible shock !

  34. Wow, what an event! This kind of things just happen. Perfect that nobody had suffered anything.
    I read an idea that everything is happening around us or with us it's like a mirror in which we have to observe what we must change... Or a lesson about something. It's interesting to analyze from this point of view! :)
    Happy WW and a fabulous spring! Thank you for the linking!

  35. The very same happened also some years ago to woman living here in our village.

    Many greetings

  36. You are very lucky to not have had any injuries and the home was spared. Very good news.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  37. Yikes! Your angels were working overtime that night!

  38. Something was watching out for you! So glad it was just a car! Have a marvellously happy day.

  39. Have been busy all week and didn't see your post until just now! It must have been very frightening! Glad you weren't any where near it when it happened! Have a wonderful weekend!


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