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Help, please?

I just started to try to use a lens ball for photography, and I discovered that there's a HUGE learning curve. I would love to have you share your tips and tricks!


  1. Sorry I couldn't say some about the lens. What I look forward, what you do with them. It's an adventure... isn't it 👏😘🙋‍♀️

    Have a good week. Stay healthy and well, dear Blogfriend.

  2. Sorry Sue. I've not heard of that lens. But taking bird photos is difficult enough without complicating it further.

  3. Well that is an interesting lens I have never tried that. It looks like a droplet of water with a picture or a snow globe. Thanks for hosting, have a great day!

  4. I don't know anything about glass ball lenses but have gotten very close to a dew drop and seen the world upside down. Intriguing!

  5. I haven't tried those yet but I've been meaning to.

  6. Wish I had words of advice for your glass ball lens. They are cool tho! One of the leaders of a paranormal group I'm in used her glass ball for a photo and it was gorgeous! Didn't realize it turns the photo upside down? Hers were a reflection of snow covered trees in a lake...prob why I didn't realize it was upside down? or she turned the photo. Will have to to if I can find it. So it yours an actually lens or a glass ball? Of course, I've ordered a glass orb/ball. Now to just not set my house of fire! LOL

  7. I immediately Googled it and give you "my hats off" to your samples!! You are such an entrepreneur, you little devil!! I'm still working on my camera for crying out

  8. Who knew??!!But good for you all the same! Well done!

  9. Looks cool! It's something I've never used before.

    Happy Tuesday, Sue!

  10. Interesting pictures! They seem somehow mysterious ... ☺

    Have a fine week, Sue!

  11. Such pretty spring shots! The orb is a fun prop for photography.

  12. I have not used a glass ball lens before. Good that you are learning to use it and I am sure it will be great fun once you become familiar with it.

  13. I have never used them, but it should be easy if you get on it for continuous couple of hours! Nice photos by the way :)

  14. I am still learning myself. what I do is have someone hold it in a hand and I use zoom lens.

    1. Thank you! I will try to enlist my husband!

  15. I have never used it but I think that you did a great job and your pics look good. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  16. I got one for Christmas, Sue. I haven't used it a lot, but did take some snow photos over the winter. I've tried it using a telephoto lens, as well as my iPhone. I really like the result I got using the telephoto lens from a distance. Focusing on what is in the ball gives a really neat bokeh effect. I posted one on Instagram (not sure you are on there, but if you are, here's the photo:

    Have fun learning as you go. I know I am! :)

    1. That was a cool shot.I'll need to experiment some more! Thanks for the tips.

  17. I don't own a lens ball, and have never used one, or been around someone using one. But they look like a lot of fun! I am sure you will have fun too! Enjoy your week, stay safe, and thankyou again for the link up.

  18. I have no experience with such stuff, sorry. But because I am interested in this subject, I'll be back
    when I have something to say.
    What I can say, because I love effects, is that your images are fabulous!
    Happy WW and thank you for the linking!

  19. I can't help you as I'm not this talented, but you've done some beautiful work here.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  20. Looking at your lensball pictures I would like to invite you to my Lensball LinkParty! It's a new party, I'm a beginner too.

  21. I'm sorry, but I have no experience with such a lens!
    Happy Easter !

  22. Your floral images are fabulous!


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