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Cape Hatteras Lighthouse

The lighthouse at Cape Hatteras is an iconic view of the Outer Banks of North Carolina. The lighthouse has actually been moved about 1/4 mile from it's original location when beach erosion threatened the structure. In this video you can see what was involved in moving the structure. here

These stones formed the original foundation of the lighthouse. Each of these stones is engraved with the name of the lighthouse keepers who manned this historic structure.

North Carolina's pollen season

These photos were taken about 10 days ago at the height of our pollen season, when everything and everyone is coated yellow from the pine pollen. At times the pollen will be so thick in the air that it looks like smoke as far as the eye can see!
Cars leave tracks in the pollen!
Everything becomes covered with the stuff!

And washing the car is obviously a waste of time until the pollen season ends!

After the rain

Oops. I mistakenly set up the original linkup this week to end too early. It can't be edited after the post goes live, so I've added a second linky to allow latecomers to share their posts.