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Cape Hatteras Lighthouse

The lighthouse at Cape Hatteras is an iconic view of the Outer Banks of North Carolina. The lighthouse has actually been moved about 1/4 mile from it's original location when beach erosion threatened the structure. In this video you can see what was involved in moving the structure. here

These stones formed the original foundation of the lighthouse. Each of these stones is engraved with the name of the lighthouse keepers who manned this historic structure.


  1. Nice pics! What a mammoth effort to relocate that lighthouse. Thanks for the video link.

  2. What a cool structure. We have a black and white lighthouse in Tel Aviv too. The stones layout is interesting.

  3. I visited Hatteras before they moved the lighthouse. The ocean was starting to take over the site. They had plans to move it and I thought they would be impossible to carry out.

  4. Yes, a very interesting Video. Especially the hidtorical drawings. I love such stories. Thank you for sharing.

    Stay healthy and well, dear Blogfriend.

    Have a nice week 😘

  5. That was quite feat of engineering, moving a lighthouse. It takes me too much time to move my body each morning. Thanks for the linky Sue.

  6. I visited this lighthouse ion a vacation to the Outer Banks. It was post move--fascinating that that was able to be done!

  7. I like how the names are engraved on the stones, that's a good way to remember them.

  8. What a cheery looking spot - often light houses look a little bleak!

  9. Oh my gosh, I love Light Houses and I had the opportunity to visit Cape Hatteras a few years ago. It is one of my favorites!! We visited the cutest little store while there, so many cute trinkets and lots of things with cats.
    Thank you for hosting!

  10. Great lighthouse, my dream was always to live in one...
    Greetings from Germany

  11. I have a thing for lighthouses! Love the captures, Sue!

  12. Amazing feat in relocating the lighthouse to its current location. This is a special lighthouse.

  13. What a wonderful lighthouse. I've heard about this light many times.
    So great that they moved it to higher ground.

  14. Wow, what a great lighthouse! I enjoyed seeing how it was moved.

  15. Great that this lighthouse was preserved!

  16. Nice lighthouse photos! I am having a cookie problem and cannot link up.

  17. I like lighthouses very much. Maybe because we don't have any in Austria ;-)
    Greetings babsy

  18. Oh, I love all these photos! Lighthouses are especially beautiful.

  19. I love lighthouses. I always stop to explore. Beautiful.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  20. I love the lighthouses. It's so important to see a light when you are in a darken and hazardous places!
    Happy WW and a fine week!

  21. Wow, what a cool lighthouse. So very nice. I would love to see it in person. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  22. Is there anything more lonely and romantic than a lighthouse?

  23. lighthouse looks awesome...

    great shots


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