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The Sistine Chapel exhibit

A ccouple of friends and I went to see the Sistine Chapel exhibit in Charlotte, NC several weeks ago. We were fascinated to see the art work, and I remain dumbfounded to imagine how challenging it would have been for Michelangelo to produce such stunning works of art on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.


  1. Wonderful exhibit! I've been fortunate to see the Sistine Chapel in person twice in my life. The colors and detail are outstanding. Michelangelo was certainly and artistic genius!

  2. What a great exhibition! They have reproduced so well the work of Michelangelo.

  3. Wow ! What an amazing exhibition !

  4. Yesssss, I saw this in Rome many years ago. It was a wonderful day.

    Have a good week. Thank you for hosting.

  5. Hi Sue. It's impossible to imagine the commitment of Michelangelo in producing those simply wonderful works of art and in this age of distractions like supermarkets, shopping malls, TV and the Internet, we can be sure there will never be another like him.

    Thanks for the link today. Much appreciated.

  6. I have never been any gallery where Michelangelo art was displayed, what a wonderful experience, they are amazing!
    I hope you have a wonderful week, be sure to join us over at #omhgww this week!

  7. I'd be taking photos in front of them too - very cool

  8. How interesting. It would have been physically gruelling1

  9. What a cool exhibit!

    Beautiful photos as always, Sue.

  10. Thank you for another party! Appreciate your time spent for us!

  11. I would love to visit and enjoy such stunning exhibits if possible.

  12. This is in NY now! I need to put it on my list.

  13. Wonderful to be able to see his great masterpiece in close up.

  14. Oh my! What a great experience.
    Good for you!

  15. Wow! I never knew such a thing existed. How cool to be able to see a little bit of it.

  16. How fun. I would have loved to see that. Wow, so beautiful.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  17. Visited the Vatican several years ago. Looking up at the ceiling in a crowded room was not the best way to view the amazing artwork. You're lucky to see it up close and personal! Thanks again for hosting!

  18. Great art that has triumphed over time.

  19. What a wonderful exhibit, Sue! It looks like you and your friends had a great time, too!

  20. I've always asked myself about the kind of work done to paint the chapel. This kind of art on huge spaces is difficult, complicated but fabulous. Thank you for sharing these images!

    Happy WW!
    PS. The table from Zina is now on my blog, for a period of time!

  21. He really was the photographer of his time, we would never have known how people were dressed and how they lived ! He really was a genius !

  22. That brought our mom right back to her college art class many years ago!

  23. The paintings in the Sistine Chapel are second to none. It is good that they are made known to the public and so on, in the form of images displayed on the walls. But they are really impressive there, on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

    Have a fine week, dear Sue!

  24. Es una maravilla, el arte que se desprende en esas bellas pinturas.

  25. Susie, as I scrolled through your photos, I just kept saying, "How beautiful". Thank you for showing me that exhibit...truly breathtakingly gorgeous and meaningful to people like

  26. Breathtaking photos of the exhibit.. they are so lovely..thanks for sharing

  27. Oh wow, I would really love to see this. So very nice. Thanks for sharing this.

  28. A great way to see all the details up close and personal!
    Thank you for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme,

  29. I came through a friend on your website and I think it is very clever that ceilings can be painted so beautifully. Its not easy because one stands with head in neck to paint. Greetings from the Netherlands from the area Alblasserwaard in South Holland.

  30. The exhibition is cool! Been to the real chapel and for sure it's an amazing work of art


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