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More monarchs

Last week I shared some photos of the monarch butterflies we lured into our yard by planting milkweed this year. This week and next, I'll continue to share a bit more of the story.
The monarch caterpillars are voracious eaters, and they eat nothing but milkweed.
It's fascinating to watch them grow from little ones about the size of a fingernail paring... to BIG guys.
As they grow, they shed their skin and emerge fatter... and ready to eat lots more!
We noticed this caterpillar constructing the chrysalis from which the butterfly will emerge.
They strip off their skin and seal up the chrysalis until the butterfly emerges.
Unfortunately we didn't get to see a butterfly emerge, but here's what they leave behind.


  1. Those are some very brightly coloured caterpillars! Great photos.

  2. Butterflies are always a pleasure. Your captures are wonderful. Thank you for sharing.

    Have a good week... stay healthy and well.

    Hugs, Heidrun

  3. It is so amazing to see their metamorphosis! Wonderful photos, Sue.

  4. Wonderful photos of the life cycle of the Monarch butterfly. I always love seeing them, but there seems to be fewer this year.

  5. Great post showing the transformation. Such a beauty, even the moult looks good.

  6. Fascinating photos of the butterfly and caterpillar metamorphosis.

  7. Such an amazing metamorphosis that little caterpillar goes through, truly a beauty of nature.
    Thank you for hosting each week, be sure to stop by and share your blog!
    Have a beautiful week!

  8. Isn't the natural world simply wonderful to see and to study? Lovely photos Sue. And thanks for the link today 😊.

  9. That's amazing! Thanks so much for sharing the photos.


  10. I had to google milkweed, now that I know what it is I recognize the plant.

  11. Fantastic series. Clever you putting it all together!

  12. Stunning photos of the butterfly and caterpillar metamorphosis, Sue.

    Happy Tuesday!

  13. Interesting to see the stages of metamorphosis of a caterpillar becoming a beautiful butterfly.

  14. Breathtaking photos!
    Greetings from Germany

  15. wow, look at those stripes! amazing! Enjoy your week, stay safe, and thank you again for the link up.

  16. Incredible images. Could be in a dictionary!
    Congratulation for these photos!
    Happy WW and thank you for the linky!

  17. Oh, I so love to watch every step of their metamorphosis, it truly amazes me!
    Wishing you a most lovely Tuesday,
    I'm sending my dearest hug to you,
    while thanking you for hosting
    XO Daniela at ~ My little old world ~

  18. Wonderful to see all of the stages!

  19. So fascinating. The metamorphosis from caterpillar to monarch butterfly is really something to behold. Thank you for sharing, and for hosting!

  20. Wow! I love these photos. It's so nice to see the different stages from caterpillar to butterfly, and the caterpillars are really pretty. Thanks for hosting!

  21. What such a marvelous thing they do. Amazing. So enjoy your sharing of the stages.

  22. Great post. I vaguely recall watching them emerge when I was a kid but I didn't fully appreciate it then.

  23. How wonderful to have contributed so well to nature. And what a reward - seeing these beauties in your garden

  24. What amazing caterpillers. Turning into butterflies just goes to prove that magic exists!

  25. What an amazing set of photos. The butterfly and the caterpillar are beautiful with their brilliant colors.

  26. Beautiful photographs. It's amazing to see the transformation.

    Thank you for hosting the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  27. Don't you find that experiencing their existence is nothing short of MIRACULOUS? I know that's how I felt and continue to feel when I see them in person and through your amazing photos, my friend!!!

  28. Lovely photos of the butterfly. Even the caterpillars are beautiful.

  29. What an amazing series. So very nice. Great pictures.


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