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1, 2, 3 coyotes... and more to come

A few shots from the back yard trail cam...


  1. Good morning, I've been hearing more and more about Coyotes being in the area I live in which surprises me as we live in a pretty big town. I just Pray they don't get in our yard and get ahold of our Dogs.

  2. You will be overrun by Coyotes in no time! Hope no little pet dogs or cats are loose around there.

  3. Wow... what fantastisc captures.

    Thank you for hosting. Have a good week.

  4. Wow. So amazing having those animals in your back yard!
    Hoping you are doing okay. I have been thinking of you.

  5. A pack of coyotes is a sight to see! We hear them howling in the hills sometimes but sighting one is rare. Someday I'll have to invest in a trail cam to see hat passes through my yard at night.

  6. I've never seen one before, I'd probably be a bit freaked out if it did.

  7. Goodness me! Is that scary? That would scare me a bit. Are they dangerous?

  8. Holy moosepoops! You sure did have them in your yard. Watch any and all pets...they are very crafty creatures as far as luring a domestic dog especially. One coyote will "bait" the dog, getting the dog to follow it while the pack waits to pounce. Smart

  9. Glad, that we haven't coyotes here... our racoons are enough and the foxes in town are killing the kittens and outside the wolves kill the sheepes. It's no more enough space for all of us, sigh!
    Greetings from Germany

  10. Your trail cam caught some good pics!

  11. Great shots by your trail cam in the dark. I would be scared to go out in the dark with them roaming around your back yard. Stay safe.

  12. I have never seen in the real life such creatures.
    Thank you for sharing these images.
    All the best to you. Be well!

  13. Here we have jackals that cry out in the night to each other often times signifying kills. It is enough to give me chills and put my cats on edge. Beautiful captures.

  14. Amazing. We saw a coyote in our backyard on Monday. They are definitely always around, but we rarely see them. We also saw a hawk back there yesterday. It's like Wild Kingdom week. :)

    Sue, we have been thinking of you lots. We're continuing to send love, prayers and all good thoughts your way.

  15. Wow! Sometimes our trail cams see things that we didn't know were there, or maybe did not want to know about.

  16. Thank God we don't live in coyotes. Instead, we have so many stray cats and dogs ...

    Happy Wordless Wednesday, Sue! ♥

  17. Beautiful shots. I love to hear them sing. We can hear them at our marina at times.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday and rest of the week. ♥

  18. I heard it's mating season for them, but now sure true. Keeping guard on my dog anyway. Would love to have camera to see night life activity. Would be so interesting. Thanks for sharing.

  19. We actually live in a closed community and far away from open desert, however, we have a coyote and a fox that live here. They survive on pigeons, ducks, possible geese and rabbits. Never bothered cats or dogs, but we keep an eye on our pets.

  20. Wow, beautiful shots. I hope that they keep away from you and your pets.


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