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A new venture for me...

One thing I always wished I had was artistic talent, but I must have been absent the day that was handed out. But for kicks, I took a class in botanical drawing. The instructor taught some basic techniques for rendering a sketch in pencil and ink, and I found that I could use those techniques that - believe it or not - often resulted in sketches that were recognizable. I'm going to share a couple of my earlier attempts and see if you can guess what the flower is!




  1. Your drawings are lovely! So proud of you for stepping out and trying something new! :-)

  2. Well I love your new found artistic abilities, the 1st is a sunflower then lily and a daisy. Did I get them right?
    Keep creating your lovely pen and pencil images, they would great in frames!!
    Be sure to share your party on #omhgww this week!
    Happy spring!

    1. 2/3 right, Karen. The "daisy" is a coneflower or echinacea.
      Thanks for the invite to share at your party, and for joining ours!

  3. Sunflower, Lily, Echinacea flower? All beautiful!

  4. Wow! I/m impressed with your artistic talent. Looks amazing to me .

  5. yes I recognize them all, you've done better than I would've.

  6. I think you have more talent than you credit yourself

  7. good for you for finding strength within yourself. these sketches look great to me, I wouldn't be able to do it so. that means, you do have talent. all the best.

  8. These are really great!! Wonderful work!

  9. The flowers were beautiful, and you are so talented. I wish I could draw but I can't even draw a Stick figure that would look like anything.

  10. You are so talented. These flower drawings are beautiful. I like the sunflower much. Please continue with your artistic talents and share more pics with us too...

  11. You did great. Drawing takes a lot of practice to make it look the way we want, so keep going. Well done.

  12. Your drawings are gorgeous, please share more....

  13. Sunflower, Lily and Echinacea - well done? When you can draw this, you can even try ist with color in a very simple style, that's not hard, by lovely. In this book you can see, what I mean:

    1. Thank you for the recommendation, Mascha. I look forward to seeing the illustrations in this book.

  14. what do you mean you are not artistic. These are fabulous! well done you! I have just started to do a little sketching again too, a few little pen illustrations for my writer's group anthology. Enjoy your week, stay safe, and thank you again for the link up.

  15. These are amazing, Sue.

    You certainly are talented.

    Happy Tuesday!

  16. You clearly have talent hidden until now Sue. Those are brilliant.

  17. You have discovered your talent in drawing. The first sketch is a sunflower, the 2nd looks like a Amaryllis flower and I am not sure of the last one. Well done.

  18. These are fabulous drawings! You can be proud. Thanks for hosting!

  19. As I see, your start in this new activity it's quite beautiful. To continue it's a must if you feel good
    doing this kind of personal 'meditation'.
    It is a book: 'Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain - Betty Edwards'. I can not find a pdf., but it is, if you want. The idea is that we can learn to be an artist even we think differently.
    I hope you'll share with us other images. There are quite good.
    All the best to you!

    1. Thank you for the recommendation - I will check it out, Suzana!
      Have a grand week.

  20. I think you're very talented. I can see you doing this and often.

    Thank you for hosting the fun.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. ♥

  21. Wow, you did a great job, Sue! Guessing is not so hard, since you DO have artistic talent. Sunflower, lily, cone flower/Echinacea. :)

  22. Those are beautiful! They would make gorgeous prints on a wall canvas.

  23. I would say this is "fishing for compliments" Your drawings are absolutely perfect ! I probably couldn't do it and I was in painting schools for years ! I am more in colors then drawing. My teacher once told me everybody can learn to draw or paint, it's like learning to write if you are on top talented it's even better ! I think you are talented, continue !!

  24. They are very good. I think a sunflower, a lily and echinacea.

  25. Those drawings are amazing! We recognize all three flowers but since we are not into gardening, we don't know what they are called. When we buy flowers we just go by look and never pay attention to the name.

  26. These look amazing! Anyone can draw with a bit of encouragement and practice :D I am so glad you took the class.



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