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Feeding time at the NCSue Zoo

It's party time! 
This is blog post # 500! 
Thanks to all of you who have visited, followed, commented, and shared your photos here. 
I'm truly grateful!


 Two cats, two different approaches to requesting food.

First, Tommy's approach:

Forrest has a more laid-back method:


  1. Oh my goodness, your fur friends are beautiful, and yes they lead us around while we try and figure out what they are wanting. Its always a guessing game, Cute video!! I hope you have a great week!!

  2. Tommy certainly has a mind of his own, or not as hungry as Forrest.

  3. I like your friends! Or should I say your bosses?

  4. Tommy says what he want ... Oh, yes we know this very well. The cat is hungry and the owner have to jump of course. I love both of your lovely cats.

    Have a good week. Hugs by Heidrun alias EricaSta

  5. Hungry cats will certainly let one know it is time to fill their!

  6. Looks like a familiar sight in my house too, the cats rule the roost.

  7. Loved your furry friends, Sue.

    Happy Tuesday!

  8. Like our kids, they each have their own way of letting you know that they are hungry.

  9. Congratulations! That is a lot! Well done - and thank you!!

  10. Just like us humans. No two cats alike.Thanks for link today Sue.

  11. It is known by their silhouette that they have different approaches! The beautiful Tommy is slender, while Forrest is like a balloon!

  12. Each cat has a different personality. You observed very well this.
    It's so fun to have fluffy friends!
    Thank you for share these cute ideas!
    Sometimes I think they own us, even we don't believe this!
    All the best, Sue!

  13. Aww, it's so nice to see Tommy and Forrest today! Just like people, cats all have such different personalities. XO

  14. Congrats on the milestone post. Love the cats - I always do!

  15. Lovely cats, and each letting you know it is time to be fed.

  16. Such cute cats. Very nice and congrats on the milestone post. Very sweet.

  17. The black cat wants you to know that he or she is hungry. It's not a joke!!! Made me smile!


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