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  1. Those cars are museum quality! It's interesting to see how big and heavy and ornate that cares were in that era. Have a wonderful week, Sue!

  2. Oops! My title isn't under my link, but there it is! Have a fantastic week everyone!

  3. Grand old cars. As a kid I was able to recognize most brands in the dark by either their headlights or often by tail light patterns.

  4. Beautiful cars! My mom goes to a lot of car shows with her new huband he has a classic Camaro!

  5. Now that is the sort of car I'd like, way better than modern ones

  6. Wow those cars take me back in time. The first one looks like the one my oldest brother had and my belated husband love driving the old Cadillac's!!

  7. Those cars have so much character.
    Happy Tuesday, Sue and thanks for hosting.

  8. We have a classic car showroom in my town, but we are yet to visit. I am thinking I should. Enjoy your week, stay safe, and thankyou again for the link up.

  9. Wow! Our UK cars are so boring. Or maybe the ones I can afford!

  10. I don't normally care that much about cars but these sure are pretty.

  11. I admire this fantastisc oldtimer. Thank you for sharing.

    By the way ... I'm sorry. I don't know the botanical name of the gras. I will ask a friend.

    Have a good week 😘

  12. I love classic cars! They are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing your pics and faithfully hosting the blog hop!

  13. Wow! So beautiful these classics! And I suppose there are very good cars!
    Thank you for sharing these images!
    All the best to you!❤️

  14. Classics indeed. They don't make them like that anymore. They are in pristine shape too.

    Thank you for hosting the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday and rest of the week. ♥

  15. That look so finny! But seriously, I remember when those were normal. They were also gas guzzlers. We’ve come a long way.

  16. Amazing! They definitely don't make them like that anymore.

    Hope you are doing well, Sue. Happy Wednesday!

  17. Oh yes, love those cars of the 50's and early 60's and their fins! Alana

  18. Those are such true classics. Very nice.

  19. Those cars were so distinctive. Now they all look pretty much the same.

  20. Stunning cars. I remember being so little and riding in cars like that but they were never so sparkly.

  21. These cars were enormous ! I see myself driving around and taking all house walls with me in our narrow streets ! but you look like a film star !

  22. Love classic cars. Cool pics! Thanks for sharing and hosting. Have a great weekend everybody

  23. Oh, I love these senseless big automobiles ----
    all the best

  24. Wow! Beautiful! Classic cars are actually more attractive than the modern cars!


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