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Some more fun with botanical drawing.

Which do you prefer?



  1. Very pretty artwork, Sue! Thank you for hosting and have a wonderful week!

  2. I like them both. They are each good in a different way

  3. Is this one of those "spot the difference" quizzes? If so I claim the prize Sue. And many thanks for the link up.

  4. Artful detail and composition, not to mention color. You have talent!

  5. It's hard to choose, I like them both, well done, Im not artistic like that at all.

  6. First off, your art work is beautiful. It is a hard choice to choose. They both have their place. But I think I prefer the colour as it adds life to the image. And I like the range of colours. Enjoy your week, be happy doing what you are doing, stay safe, and thank you again for the linkup.

  7. Love the beautiful artwork, Sue.
    Happy Tuesday and thanks for hosting 💐

  8. Both are beautiful, but somehow the BW one pleases my eye more :)

    R. Täysin arkista vol.2

  9. Very beautiful artwork. I prefer the coloured one.

  10. Beautiful art drawing here. I wish to have a skill like that

  11. Gorgeous work! Thanks for hosting.

  12. Amazing works, Thank you so much for hosting

  13. May I choose... both? Congratulations that you go on this path. It's good for the soul!
    Thank you for sharing your news!
    Have a fine week ahead!❤️😘

  14. Nice Pictures - thanks for showing . All the best, Violetta

  15. I love them both but I think I’m going to go with the first one.

  16. I love them both, but I'll take the second one. Hard to pass on those beautiful colors.

    Thank you for hosting the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  17. We love them both! But if we really must choose, it would be the colored one, by a hair. :)

  18. I like them both. Two different ways of looking at the same thing. If I had to choose, the first one. Alana

  19. You have a great talent. We can't even draw stick people around here!

  20. Very talented. I love them both but the color one is the best. Thanks for sharing this.

  21. What a beautiful sketch, I love the colors!!


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