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Beautiful quilts!

These photos are from the Quilt Show in Raleigh, North Carolina. Gorgeous, aren't they? To help you visualize the fine workmanship, I've included close-ups of some sections of each quilt. Imagine the hours of painstaking labor that went into each one!


  1. I tried and failed to make a quilt once. The star above is a work of art.

  2. Amazing artful patterns. The balance of the random colors in the large star is striking.

  3. Very nice handmade artwork - beautiful. I wish you a good time and all the best

  4. Those are splendid! Hawaii has a wonderful and somewhat different tradition of Hawaiian quilts. Check them out!

  5. They are, indeed, beautiful!! I especially like the third quilt. Thank you! Cathy

  6. I love quilts and enjoy going to Quilt Shows or exhibits. Unfortunately my friend the quilter, among other talents passed away this January. I hope there's a quilt show this year so I can continue going like she's still here.

  7. I really should get back into this, I made one for my daughter when she was little and it's only just fallen apart.

  8. The artwork is amazing!
    The third quilt is my favourite.

    Hugs and blessings, Sue.

  9. Hi Sue. I hope you enjoyed your Easter break. I wouldn't have the patience for quilting. I think I will stick to bird watching.

  10. Those are so beautiful! Whenever we see them at the State fair, we are in awe of the time and skill involved in creating them.

  11. Wonderful quilts! I’ve been to a couple of quilt shows, and the work is amazing.

  12. All beautiful, but I love the last two the best. Flowers always get me.

    Thank you for hosting the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. ♥

  13. Such beautiful quilts. Love the colors. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  14. There are so many amazing quilts out there these days. Wish we knew how to make them, but we would need a lot of time for sure.

  15. This a technique discovered recently, from some blogger friends. I like it a lot even it's complicated.
    Very beautiful quilts in your photos!
    Have a beautiful week! 😘❤️

  16. All beautiful. I've seen some quilt displays and one of my in law's sisters quilts - it really is a LOT of work. Alana

  17. Ich staune immer über dies Arbeiten, mein größter Respekt dafür !

  18. How wonderful, this quilts and the quilts from your new post. But in the new post I can't write a comment - I don't know why


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