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Remembering the attack on our nation

How could we ever forget? And I will always be proud of the way our people pulled together. I pray we can begin to do so once again. Too long have our people been divided.



  1. Hi Sue Thank you for this post! Ill never forget the terror and tragedy of what hate did that day. I am also sad at how divided our country is today. We should all be working together toward the greater good for all

  2. Indeed. "How could we ever forget". Unfortunately when I look around here in the UK and read about the US, I think we have forgotten.

  3. 22 years ago. It's hard to believe.

  4. The shock, sorrow, and loss we experienced on that day are feelings that will never fade.

  5. I still remember it. My sister was living in New York at the time and saw it all.

  6. Prayers _()_
    Great photos. Thanks a lot for the post.

  7. I remember that morning very well. A sad and terrifying day.

  8. A touching remembrance of a somber day.

  9. We remember exactly where we were when it happened. The world literally stopped. United we stand, no matter what party we're with.

  10. Yes, we have been divided. Sigh!

  11. So true. That was a horrible day, but the nation surely did come together in the aftermath.

  12. It's hard to believe, indeed. If we observe the consequences of the events till the present moments,
    many questions appear, with no answers... The people must understand that there are a force only
    together, not separated...
    Thank you for the reminder! It's important!

    Have a fine week!❤️😘

  13. I still remember the day when I heard the news in my car and hurried home to switch on the TV. This year it had bee not forgotten, but the News were full of the Earthquake News in Morocco which probably had made 5000 victims.

  14. I remember the unity, and I fear it won't come again in my lifetime. Alana

  15. Such a beautiful tribute. Thanks for sharing it.

  16. I will always remember. In times of tragedy people show they can pull together.

  17. Thanks for this post. It's important to remember and come together in unity.


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