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Wine country - aaaahhh!

For the next few weeks I will be sharing some images from our trip to France. See the post from 11/27/23 for information about the purpose of our trip.

The grape harvest had just begun. The grape vines are tightly packed, and it's hard to imagine being able to drive a tractor through the narrow rows without  severely damaging the crops! These fields of grapes extend for mile upon mile.
We had the opportunity to tour the winery at Chateau de Marsannay
The bright red spots on this map are the grape vines belonging to this winery. When someone
inherits grapevines, they are faced with steep inheritance taxes and often must sell sections of the vines
they inherit. This results in scattered holdings that must present a challenge come harvest time!
This was just one of the cellars where the wine is stored until the proper time for bottling.
Here our guide showed how the soil, rock, pH, and drainage impact the quality of the wine.
Of course we had to try the wares - and the wine was quite delicious.
A view from the chateau to the lush fields of grape vines.


  1. I've seen wine country in California but France's wine country must have so much wonderful history! Have a wonderful week ahead.

  2. So nice to bring us along! Aloha!

  3. What a neat experience. I've been to a winery once from memory and that was many years ago.

  4. That was very clever of you Sue. Visiting as the bottle was there on the table. Well, it would be rude not to. Thanks for the linky today. Cheers.

  5. Thank you for bringing us along, Sue!
    What an amazing experience!

  6. Having visited France many times and even lived there for several years, I'm really looking forward to this series, and what a start! By coincidence, I too have pictures of a winery and vineyard over at my WW today, santé!

  7. Oh yes, France is a great vine-land. So many excellent and different sorts. I personally like beer more.
    But we bought some good bottles last year.
    Have a good time

  8. Find pictures. There are a lot of vineyards around here. When I was a kid, there was only maybe one vineyard in Virginia, but then the growers figured out that they needed to graft the imported vines onto wild grape roots. This worked extremely well.

  9. What an amazing trip. The vineyards are amazing, and we really liked learning about why the map of the vineyards is the way it is! Fascinating!

  10. I like the title of your post! And the images are impressive and beautiful.
    What a fine place! Thank you for sharing it.
    ... Cheers! ❤️😘

  11. Mom lived in wine country in southern Germany for a few years. It was pretty and she used to walk all around in the area. She doesn't drink, so she never went in the wineries.

  12. this year at the end of August we also went to the vineyards in the north of France. Here the specialty is Crémant :-) I like it
    Happy WW!

  13. I live close to Finger Lakes wine country (New York State) and some of these picture remind me of that area.Interesting about the steep inheritance tax. Alana

  14. So very sweet. Love your pics. I would love to visit there. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  15. It look lovely, and so many grapes!

  16. Oh yes, I'm a little bit jealous too. Your impressions look so very beautiful. Many thanks for sharing this truly gorgeous experience.

  17. I love wineries and that looks to be a great one.

  18. Oh love to visit wine estates and small farms. It's on our list to do some in our immediate area in season.
    I visited you via Wine country - aaaahhh!
    I linked up this week with = 39. Come and join us at #WordlessWednesday #Photography Wednesday - Saturday. You will find the info under BLOGGING

  19. Such stunning fields - Thanks so much for linking up and for sharing your images with #MySundaySnapshot.


  20. Thanks for sharing wonderful experience of France grape vine breweries. Thanks for joining Garden Affair.


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