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At the cat show

 We decided to do something a bit different and went to a Cat Fanciers of America Cat Show.

For comic relief perhaps? ...cats in costumes.... although this cat doesn't look amused!


  1. That last cat does not look happy! Hope you enjoyed the show anyway!

  2. I have 4 cats, I would've gone to that too.

  3. These look so special. Love the tender love by the owners

  4. That lost shot is fantastic. THe look on it's face makes the photo. Brilliant!

  5. A cat show - what a joy for humans! My cat never would wear a costume or participiate in such a spectacle - no way!
    Most I like the Abessinian - what a beauty!

  6. That last photo—it looks like the epitome of "catitude"!

    Happy Tuesday, Sue!

  7. Cute cats. Last one favorite :)

  8. The cats were beautiful, but probably the last one wanted to go home and didn't look happy.

  9. Beautiful kitties! Charlie would like a cat companion but since my sister and a few other relatives are allergic, I'm not going to get one.

  10. Beautiful cats.I haven't been to a cat show in years.

  11. How fun! Though we think the kitty dressed as a bunny might disagree. :)

  12. Lovely images! Indeed in the last one the cat is far to be happy!
    I saw once an exhibition for cats and dogs with some possibilities to train, play and cut their fur.
    For me it was special, but for those creatures not at all. They where very far away of their 'home'.
    All the best in July. I hope you are well! ❤️😘

  13. Very cute. Looks like such an interesting show. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  14. I've been to dog shows but never a cat one!

  15. And I can't even get my cat to let me brush her, lol

  16. Thanks, Sue, for hosting.
    My entries this week are numbered #41+42
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  17. I'm back. Thanks for sharing at My Sunday Snapshot!!

  18. Such patient cats! Poor kitty and I just realised she is wearing wings too!! I hope she gets a lot of treats and loving after the show.



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