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Plink... plonk...

While walking through this exhibit, there was the sound of water droplets plunking at irregular intervals into the pots. I'm not sure if I understand the artist's message here, or if I was supposed to understand, but it was powerful in its way and brought our group to a standstill for a while.


  1. This looks like a very unusual and interesting artiistic display. Happy Fall season!

  2. Maybe it's all about how important water is to us and our earth, it certainly is thought provoking.

  3. The unending quality of housekeeping!

  4. Maybe the artist wanted to convey the dangers of climate change.

  5. Hmm.... interesting... something about climate change and conserving water?

  6. Looks amazing, Great post.
    Thanks a lot for hosting.

  7. That's definitely a stop-you-in-you-tracks piece. I can almost hear the dripping water you describe! Hugs to you and the kitties, Sue. Thank you for hosting!

  8. LOL! What a fabulous place and character! I am curious too about the message! The gloves are made by glass, I suppose! Anyway, there is no joy on the face. Only noise around... Sometimes is the same in life!
    Happy WW again! ❤️😘

  9. That is so very cool and interesting. Loving it. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  10. I am curious about the massage too.
    Interesting photos, Sue!


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