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Croagh Patrick

Croagh Patrick - (Saint) "Patrick's stack" in English - is a mountain 764 m (2,507 ft) high in County Mayo, Ireland. According to Wikipedia: 
Archaeologists found that there had been a stone chapel or oratory on the summit since the 5th century. There is reference to a "Teampall Phádraig" (Patrick's Temple) from AD 824... A small modern chapel was built on the summit and dedicated on 20 July 1905. On the last Sunday in July, thousands of pilgrims climb Croagh Patrick in honour of Saint Patrick, and masses are held at the summit chapel. Some pilgrims climb the mountain barefoot, as an act of penance. Traditionally, pilgrims would perform 'rounding rituals', in which they pray while walking sunwise around features on the mountain. Among these are a group of three ancient cairns known as Reilig Mhuire (Mary's graveyard), which are likely Bronze Age burial cairns.

We caught glimpses of Croagh Patrick when the entire mountain was visible but weather changed, giving us very different views. The mountain's appearance also changed dramatically depending on the angle or distance from which we viewed it.

The tiny little bump at the top of the mountain is the chapel. The only way to reach it is on foot, a hike that takes several hours at a minimum.


  1. Wonderful shots and an interesting history about the chapel. That uphill walk must be very hard work!

  2. Such a fascinating place! The changing views you captured are incredible!

  3. wow that is quite a hike, 7 hours is a long time.

  4. Thanks for hosting and for showing us this mystical place. Aloha!

  5. The pic above the clouds is quite extraordinary, if taken from land. It looks like a plane view but on closer inspection, I think not.

  6. Beautiful photos and interesting back story.

  7. Amazing views, great pics. Loved the post.

  8. I love how it blends history and tradition, especially with pilgrims climbing barefoot.

    Happy Tuesday, Sue!

  9. wow - that is truly amazing - and your images are glorious. Have a fabulous week and thankyou again for the linkup.

  10. Wonderfully atmospheric pictures, especially the second one.

  11. Beautiful pictures, especially the sundowner....but mountain?...In relation to our mountains here it seems to be a hill LOL. But if you have to walk to the seems to be a mountain.
    Have a good time and all the best

  12. wonderful. so nice to see it in different conditions.

  13. What an amazing place. I'll bet the view from the temple is breathtaking!

  14. Beautiful photos! Thank you for sharing.

  15. I like a lot these landscapes with the mountain 'pyramid'. A special place for a chapel!
    Happy WW and thank you for the details!❤️😘

  16. Those are some amazing pictures. Very nice.

  17. Lovely photos. The weather changes so quickly in Ireland.

  18. OMG!! Much too high for our old feet, that's sure. Your sundown image is absolutely amazing!


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