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The concert

 I had the opportunity to attend a concert given by the son of a friend of mine. I didn't know what to expect, really, but what I heard was rather magical. The pianist's name is Phil Cook, and his album is now available here. I've found it to be just the balm I need in this midst of all the craziness of this world. It is titled, "All These Years". 


  1. Being able to enjoy a Concert and just lose myself in the music would be wonderful. In this world where my family is facing changes. I hope this week at least gets back to some sort of normal life behavior for us.

    1. The album I mentioned contains most of the music we heard at the concert. It is really lovely to get lost in it. I'm listening to that in lieu of the news when I'm in the car, especially. Far more beneficial to the spirit!

  2. Music can truly be balm for the soul. It is why I love opera so much--the music and pageantry transports me to a different world for a few hours.

  3. What a fun event to be able to attend. Thank you for sharing and for hosting each week.

  4. I am listening to the series of preview samples of Phil's works as I write this. Peaceful and soothing music indeed. My daughter's family here in my new Connecticut home has a beautiful Baby Grand and I have started playing it again after almost 20 years. I play by ear and have mostly played guitars since living in New Mexico in the 1990's. Before Christmas we would travel between the several little churches in the mountains and play Las Posadas followed by dinner in the various villages. Now my rusty fingers are starting to loosen up on the ebony and ivory.

    1. Good for you!
      As for Phil Cook's music, I found it delightful!

  5. Thank you for this thoughtful post and God bless all of you

  6. What an amazing event. Sure that was wonderful.

    Have a good time, dear Blogfriend.

  7. That's wonderful! Music often helps me through the day when I am not feeling better. Beautiful photos. Thank you for the link and for hosting!


  8. There goes one talented young man. I'm pleased that his music did you good Sue. And once again, thanks for the chance to meet with others.

  9. I think that would be lovely - yes, music is very good for the soul. Look after yourself, it's a huge thing that you will never get over. All you can do is make it as easy on yourself as you can - which will take time and effort. You are often in my thoughts.

  10. I love the sound of the piano, I had lessons when I was younger and wish now that I'd kept up with them.

  11. Yes, the world has gone crazy. Especially when our personal worlds have been upended too. So nice to find a place away from it all. Take care, enjoy your week, and thank you again for the link up.

  12. Such a wonderful event, Sue!

    Happy Tuesday!

  13. How special!
    Thanks to YouTube, I've been listening to music created by talented musicians around the world. I love the Brooklyn Duo and the Piano Guys!

  14. How great to see a friend perform.

  15. I'm so glad you enjoyed the concert! I love piano music. Sending a prayer and virtual hug your way!

  16. Lovely photos and well decorated...sure, it was a "soulfood" concert.
    Greetings from Germany

  17. Thank you for sharing the link. I listen a little bit and I like the music a lot!
    It's very special indeed!

  18. Doing something for ourselves is often the very best thing of all. I'm glad this made you feel so good.

    Thank you for hosting the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. ♥

  19. Thess are expressive pictures. Thank you for hosting.

  20. Such special photos of your friend, who is so talented!

  21. How wonderful. Live music was one of the things I missed during the covid lockdown.

  22. He looks absolutely passionate about his music. I've also featured a concert this week!

  23. Great shots of the piano player. He is really into the music he is playing.

  24. Classical music always sooths the soul. What stunning pictures you've shared with us today. Thanks for that!

    Have a wonderful Wednesday!

    Elza Reads

  25. Music is such a healer, and this musician seems to be passionately into his playing. Alana

  26. As I lived my married life with a musician, music is a soothing and also emote so many emotions. I love piano music.

  27. Glad you had a chance to attend this concert, it is so good for your mind and soul...

  28. I listened to the preview part on the link and very beautiful. Glad that you got to go.


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