Images found here are not to be reproduced without my express written permission.

Classical art

Does anyone know how to block anonymous comments on Blogger? I'm being swamped by irritating (and often idiotic) anonymous comments and wind up wasting time marking them individually as spam. Please help!


  1. I have quite a lot of spam comments too...
    Wordpress gives the possibility to mark a few words in particular: comments containing those words go automatically to the trash bin!
    Hope this was useful.
    Have a nice week!

    1. I don't use the Wordpress platform but I may be forced to switch if I can't solve this problem!

  2. It's not easy photographing paintings - your photos are beautiful!

  3. Go to Settings. > Texts & comments / choose 'User who has Google accounts. NOT the first one that includes anonymous comments. I have supervision of comments on; still sometimes comes advertising & odd comments that shall be put into trash.

    1. Thank you! I'll try that! These spam comments are driving me nuts!


  4. To manage the comments you can do it from configuration.

    Configuration / Entries, comments and shared use and in the section Comments / Who can make a comment?
    You can activate the option you want

    I do not understand how people protected by anonymity make inappropriate and irritating comments.


    1. Thanks, Raquel.
      Sometimes I think people feel entitled to be rude and abusive when they hide behind anonymity. It's truly ignorant and immature behavior.

  5. Classical paintings are always fun to look at and assess.

  6. I am trying to interpret the symbolism in the last painting-- the parrot and the man who looks more modern reading a book or document (or newspaper!). Blogger seems not set up to block anonymous comments unless you choose to accept only those with Google profiles. This casts a wide net and does not allow many legitimate comments. I have been simply deleting all anonymous comments and reporting them as spam as they are usually unrelated to the content of the blog post. Some days I get none but usually 4 or 5 or more. Report en bloc as spam but this seems not to cut down on the number I receive.

    1. Aha! I found out the answer to the symbolism of the parrot. See

    2. Thanks, Sue-- very interesting. Now I must figure out whether that is Joseph and whether he is reading the morning paper!

  7. Hi Sue

    In your blog - "Design" go onto "Comments" and then "settings" - "posts, comments and sharing" and then "Who can comment"?". Click the button for Google User only.

  8. No idea - but it appears someone does. The one with the grapes is hilarious. Is that for the baby? The painter obviously didn't spend much time around babies. Or is that toddler Jesus? And is that Joseph reading the book? ('oh more visitors? I'm taking a break....') And I agree with the comment above - what's with the parrot?? Hope you solve your comment problem

    1. Lydia... Check this link to find out about the parrot:

  9. Beautiful. I think the choice to block those anonymous spomments (spam and comments) was taken away when Google started screwing things up. Obviously not done by a blogger. The choices you have now are only to allow people with Google Accounts or members of your blog to comment or realizing that won't work you have to allow Anyone to comment and Anyone includes "Anonymous." I've written them and asked the same question but don't there there's any other choice unless you make a big push to recruit blog members. I get sooo many of them and it's only getting worse.
    The only viable option I've found is to enable Comment Moderation but not verification (which only serves to honk people off).
    You can find this under Design then Settings, then Post, Comments and Sharing.

  10. Love all the artwork hate the spammers!

  11. Amazing art pictures! You have some great advice for comments. But if you go to this link you will find helpful tips:

  12. Beautiful art. I have problem with spammers. I will just delete them.

  13. What neat art!
    I think in the comments settings you can set it?

  14. I am a big fan of classical art. Beautiful captures, Sue.

  15. It looks like you've done all you can do to block spam. Blogger does not give us good tools - if only we had access to Askimet, which I understand is very effective, but it's a Wordpress plugin, I believe. Alana

  16. After all the changes to https and other enhancements, I too have had more spam comments than usual get through. Good luck!

  17. Beautiful paintings.

  18. Hello Sue,
    I like the pictures you show! Especially the "old masters" I find fascinating, because they had it very difficult to produce their colors. Often it is admirable how few means they could use to paint such pictures!
    I would also like to participate here and have just put my first photo online!
    Many greetings, Marie

    1. I'm delighted you've joined us! Please visit and share each week. It's so much fun to ser photos from all around the world!

  19. Very beautiful paintings. I just go through my stuff and then block them. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  20. You sure did a good job of photographing those paintings, Sue. They are beautiful! Good luck on blocking those spammers. We do get spam comments, but the majority seem to get caught in the "awaiting moderation" queue. When we find them there, we mark them as spam, and then delete them from the spam bin.

  21. Really beautiful shots. You picked perfect subjects.
    Blacky's Burrow

  22. Very cool art! Thanks for sharing!

  23. such lovely pieces of arts indeed. I love to see the details and the colors

  24. It is easy Sue!
    • Open
    • Log in
    • On top of the sidebar, select your blog
    • In the list below that, in the sidebar, go to Settings
    • Click "Posts, comments and sharing"
    • On the right of the sidebar, see the Comments section.
    • On the right of "Who can comment?" option, select "User with Google Accounts".
    • On the top-right corner, click "Save settings"

  25. Amazing art.
    Thank you for hosting.

  26. I didn't see any birds/birding photos in your post. Am I missing it?

    1. Look for the parrot. Further up in the comments you'll see a link to an article of what a parrot represented in art of that period.

  27. Those are a beautiful collection of paintings xx #sundaysnap

  28. These are stunning, and they felt so very real.
    Thank you for sharing and also linking up with us on #WordlessWednesday.

    Our brand new linky is up too:

  29. Love the paintings. It amazes me how old some of these paintings are and what a good state they are still in.

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Thank you for your visit. I apologize for comment verification, but have found it the most reliable way to prevent spammers from posting content on this site. But I do read every comment and value both your visit and your thoughts.

Please stop by every Tuesday and share your favorite photos! The link stays open all week.