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  1. Not so scary! But maybe to kids! Hope you have a wonderful week. Thanks for hosting!

  2. Lovely. More majestic than scary...

  3. They do look a little frightening but if you are in a museum you kind of expect it.

  4. Not something we want to display in our home. Happy Tuesday!

  5. A cultural art, where we are ... thank you for hosting. the way, a translater for my posts is on main site of my Blog. You have had asked about...

    Have a very good week. 🤗
    Heidrun xxx

  6. Beauty is a question of taste, what we consider as ugly someone else could find beautiful ! That's just with fat and skinny people ! Fortunately we don't have all the same taste !

  7. I love seeing works of art from places and times that are far away. It's neat seeing how their creators represented faces, animals, etc. Thank you for hosting, Sue!

  8. Nice sculpture! Pre-Columbian?

  9. I love seeing old artifacts from previous times. I had a huge show here in Las Vegas with Egyptian artifacts, mummies statues and much more, but I did not get to go. Thank you for hosting!

  10. Look at all those masks! I love all the details but they might look scary as well :)

  11. Great pieces of art! Thank you for hosting and happy weekend everybody.


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