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A strange sight.

The other day my husband and I were watching the birds feeding outside of our window when a snake who was apparently hanging out in our gutter grabbed a tufted titmouse. In the first photo, taken from inside the house, you can barely make out the snake. In the second photo, you can see no sign of the snake, but he was clearly holding on to his prey. Shortly thereafter, the bird was pulled into the gutter to serve as the snake's dinner.

Definitely one of the strangest sights we've seen!


  1. What a sight! Poor little bird! I'm sure it did not expect to find a snake near your bird feeder.

  2. Oh no! That is a strange sight and so sad for the bird, but I guess it's all part of nature. Have a good Labor Day.

  3. That certainly was an unusual sighting. Reminds me of when I heard a rabbit squealing just off the trail and found a snake had captured a young bunny and was trying to wrap around it as it struggled. My presence either gave the rabbit new strength, or more likely, distracted the snake, allowing it to escape.

  4. It's not often that we actually see a predator at work. But we think little of seeing birds eating insects?

  5. Surprising to see a snake catching this little bird. Snakes reduce mice and small rodents, so they do some good, but it still looks creepy.

  6. I am definitely not a fan of snakes so I'm glad I didn't see it.

  7. We have seen hawks take down pigeons right in front of us. I dont like to see it but it is life cycle, but still makes me :(
    Have a great week!

  8. That was a rather startling turn of events both for the bird and you who were watching!

  9. I hate snakes! Well, afraid of them, actually :(..So sad for the bird

  10. I've got to go watch a sweet, wonderful, nice movie to get that imagine out of my head. At least the titmouse survived. RIP little bird. Will never understand why???? we have to have snakes. I'll never want to clean my gutters again either. Have a great week.

  11. Oh now, that's so sad, but smart snake.

  12. poor little bird...probably just came down for a feed....devious snake! thanks for linking at my blog, Cath@Home for CountryScapes

  13. That's pretty shocking. That poor little bird, but we do understand the snake is just doing what comes naturally.

  14. Wow! That is an unusual sight.

  15. I suppose it's the way nature works, but it's always sad to see a little birdie meet its demise :(

    I'm happy to see your link on 'My Corner of the World' this week! Thanks for linking up!

    My Corner of the World

  16. About 3 weeks ago I put out a bird feeder and not one bird has indulges?? I don't get it

  17. Such amazing photos. Thanks for sharing them. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  18. Awwww poor little fella! Wonderful pics.. thanks so very much for sharing. Hope you took him down and buried him.. poor baby. Some times small animals get frustrated so much that they really just can't take it. Well, hope you had a better day tomorrow! HUGS


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