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A visitor.


  1. And a very special visitor it is indeed!

  2. Big fella as compared to those here in south Florida. Our bucks are out of velvet-- I suppose those up north will shed their velvet in October.

  3. Oh wow, it almost looks like a lawn ornament. Great shot.

  4. What a beautiful deer. A lovely visit.

  5. Thanks for the links Sue. Always appreciated.

  6. lovely visitor but I hope he isn't eating anything special from your garden. Thanks for the support with my own Linky - CountryScapes...I was thrilled that you linked in.

  7. My goodness you must live on the edge of the woods, what an amazing photo, he is beautiful!

  8. Beautiful deer! Thanks for hosting.

  9. You had a lovely visitor! I have never seen a deer this close!

  10. Wow, what a handsome visitor you had! Was this taken in your yard, Sue?

    Thank you for hosting. Happy Wednesday!

    1. Right by our driveway. Quite a fine looking fellow!

  11. What a beautiful proud animal !

  12. Wow! What a stunning animal and such a great close up. I see a lot of deer but very seldom the big antlers!

  13. That's a very beautiful visitor to have!

    Thank you for sharing and joining us for #ww this week. Have a wonderful week ahead


  14. What a cool visitor to have. Very nice.

  15. He's definitely a handsome fella!

    Thanks for your link on 'My Corner of the World'! It's lovely to see you this week!

    My Corner of the World

  16. You are so wonderful to share your Post with us. I have been gone all day so I didn't have much time to do any blog hopping, so I'm doing some before bed and then probably tomorrow, but I wanted to stop here. Thanks so much for sharing. It's wonderful! Have a great day and I must say you were very lucky to have such a beautiful visitor. We see them once in a while by me because we live by Fox River. They are so beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing. Have a great rest of your week and weekend! Hugs! Thank you!

  17. Did I leave a comment already? I'm not sure so if I did sorry I'm taking up space again! hehehe... It's just that you have a wonderful Post this week! I absolutely loved your pictures. We have these kind come visit us cuz we live by Fox River.... oh wait now I remember I did write to you about this... oh well, .................. and in conclusion hehehehe~ Have a wonderful weekend! hugs


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