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Spoil me a little!



  1. Did we had the same idea? How funny! Yes, indeed make myself beautiful is a good feeling.

    Stay healthy and well, dear Blogfriend.

    Have a wonderful week.

  2. How nice! I prefer your nails to those of your manicurist though.

  3. I haven't broken out my sandals or flip flops as yet, but once it warms up here I can't wait to go for a pedicure!

  4. Replies
    1. They aren't mine! I'm too uncoordinated to function with nails like that!

  5. Well deserved pampering, just in time for Mothers Day!!

  6. I am so jealous!!! My hands are a disaster because I always seem to dig and pull weeds with my bare hands...UGH!!! Now I will say that I love getting a pedi!!!!

  7. That lady's nails are a little terrifying! I'd have ripped one off the first time I tried to do pretty much anything manually!

  8. your nails look lovely, but my goodness, look at the nails on the lady doing your nails. I don't know how she can possibly do anything with nails like that! Stay safe and enjoy your week. And thank you again for the link up.

  9. You've got to pamper yourself once in a while.

  10. Just in time for Mother's Day!

    Happy Tuesday, Sue!

  11. I propose the title "Nails and ... nails"!

    Have a fine day, Sue!

  12. You deserve some pampering and you have beautiful nails. My nails break easily so I can't keep long nails.

  13. I do think that pampering would suit me Sue. Or maybe only at weekends LOL .

  14. Glad you were able to treat yourslef to some well-deserved pampering! :)

  15. Some of those are almost unreal! I love to get a pedicure every now and then.

  16. It's nice not to forget about ourselves and spoiled a little bit!
    It's fine to have a friend that remind us!
    You know, your photos are very surprising in details. They are 'very much alive'!
    And that bracelets are amazing! :)
    Happy WW!

  17. I wonderful way to spoil oneself. I do this often and it's most relaxing.

    Thank you for hosting the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  18. Nice! My fingernails are cracked and broken from using hand sanitizer so often.

  19. I am glad that you enjoyed it and good for you. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  20. It is important to treat yourself.


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