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A glimpse of the "city of brotherly love"

Looking from Camden, New Jersey across the Delaware River toward's Philadelphia's skyline

Approaching the bridge to cross the Delaware River to Philadelphia

It's an impressive structure!

In the upper left of this photo is the statue of William Penn atop Philadelphia's City Hall.

In the not-too-distant past, the statue of William Penn was one of the first things I'd notice when approaching the city. At that time, no buildings in "Philly" were to be higher than the statue. It's now dwarfed by tall buildings.


  1. It has been quite a few years since I traveled into Philadelphia! Both of my parents were born in Pennsylvania.

  2. Beautiful photos and you couldn't have picked a more lovely day for your visit. Thank you so much for hosting!


  3. What a commanding view of Philadelphia from across the river. I remember, in the 1940's riding in the family car from north Jersey to Baltimore. There were no freeways and few tall buildings along the way. My memorable views of the river were from the Delaware Water Gap, way before it became a National Monument..

  4. Love the spectacular views.
    Happy Monday and thanks for hosting, Sue.

    Hugs and blessings 💜💚💛💙

  5. Love the last photo, thanks for sharing....

  6. I did not know that's what it meant. How interesting. I guess aspirational....

  7. Thank you for sharing your photos, I do like to see what other countries around the world are like.

  8. Great views and bridge!
    Thanks for hosting

  9. Bridges never fail to impress me. Beautiful buildings in the last picture.

  10. These are very beautiful photos! So large bridges always fascinate me very much - especially the other view of the area that you have then!

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. I have been on that bridge. Slightly terrifying. I am not a fan of driving over bridges! Have a great week.

  13. Beautiful shots of a beautiful day.

    Thank you for hosting the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  14. Great shots. I haven’t been there since I was a child.

  15. We loved Philadelphia when we visited. We crossed over that bridge, too!

  16. These are lovely photos. The first of the skyline is my favourite.

  17. While newer tall buildings can be beautiful on the skyline, it is sad that they drown out the smaller older ones.

  18. Beautiful cloud and (in the first shot) reflection photos. The first photo is my favorite. I haven't been to Philly in 21 years, I just realized. Alana

  19. Such lovely photos. I have never visited Philadelphia. Beautiful skyline.

  20. Beautiful sky and skyline photo of Philly.


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