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Probably the coolest carousel ever!

You can read about its history in the last image, but it is currently housed at the aquarium in Camden, New Jersey. The workmanship is outstanding!


  1. Its been so long since I was a carousel I think that one takes the prize, it looks like it has jewels around the top.
    I hope you have a great week!

  2. Fascinating history of this ornate merry-go-round. It is wonderful that it has been preserved and continues in use.

  3. That is indeed a stunning carousel, a ride from the 19th and early 20th Century and still attracting riders.

  4. I don't think I've ever seen one that size, I've only seen little ones, it's very bright, colourful and exciting.

  5. That is really spectacular, never seen before.......

  6. They really are gorgeous those old ones.

  7. That carousel is really something else! WOW!

    Happy Tuesday and thanks for hosting, Sue 💜🌼😊

  8. Such a beautiful carousel. Never seen one like this before.

  9. wow gorgeous. I still remember my first ride on a carousel. I cried and the main slowed it down for me! Enjoy your week and thank you again for the link up.

  10. At least cool for me! I never saw this kind of carousel!
    Lovely! Thank you for these images.
    Have a fine day and week!

  11. Oh, wow! That is a gorgeous carousel! Thank you for sharing the story with us!

  12. Brings memories. Thanks for hosting.

  13. That is such a beautiful carousel. Thank you so much for sharing it with us, and for including the fascinating and storied history! Happy Wednesday, Sue, and thank you for hosting!

  14. So beautiful. I would love to ride this.

    Thank you for hosting the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  15. Wow, so very cool and beautiful. I love historic carousels. This one is so cool. Thanks for sharing it.

  16. Where I live in upstate New York we are known as the carousel capital, so I will always visit a carousel if I encounter one in my travels. This one is stunning! Thank you for sharing. Alana

  17. Beautiful!
    I have been struggling to comment and commiserate after reading your problem with MailChimp. Technology- love/hate.

  18. Thank you for sharing this with Your Moment Blog Hop!

  19. This is definitely the coolest carousel ever! Thanks for sharing and for hosting too!


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